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Inferium Core - Basic Core -


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Hello! My name is Infiniticy, developer of this SKRIPT. I hope everyone enjoys my Core for their own survival/faction/hcf server. We offer many features, just take a look down below!

My latest works have proven to be successful, we've added many features listed below. I've created 50+ commands in hopes to help whoever downloads my core. I'm just hoping for credit and feedback from the community to help me further my core.

- Custom Commands
- Adjustable Options
- Easy to use
- Report system
- Autobroadcast system
- Emoji Chat
- Staff Chat
- Easily configurable commands

Discord: Pure#3297
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqAf3wWqRGhegUHLobmwrng

- Skript
- Common sense



Edited by Infiniticy
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				loop all players:
					if loop-player has permission "Inferium.Admin":
						send "&f[VANISH] &c%player% is now in vanish." to loop-player

				send "" to all players where [input has permission ""]

make console execute command "gamemode 3 %player%"

set player's gamemode to spectator

command /mute [<player>] [<string>]:
	permission: Inferium.Helper
	permission message: &cYou do not have permission for this!
		if argument 1 is not set:
			send "&c/mute (username) (reason)"
		else if argument 1 is set:
			if argument 2 is set:
				send "&cYou muted %arg 1% for %arg 2%."
				send "&c&lYou have been muted for %arg 2% for 0d0h30m0s." to argument 1
				set {Inferium.mute.%arg 1%} to "true"
				set {Inferium.lastmute.%arg 1%} to "%arg 2%"
				set {Inferium.mutereason.%arg 1%} to "%arg 2%"
				wait 30 minutes
				set {Inferium.mute.%arg 1%} to "false"
im not even going to recreate this again, just look at this https://forums.skunity.com/resources/node-staff.798/
{inferium::%arg 1%::frozen}


I would have some sort of Gordon Ramsey level insult but i think I've done enough damage for one day.


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21 minutes ago, Customable said:

				loop all players:
					if loop-player has permission "Inferium.Admin":
						send "&f[VANISH] &c%player% is now in vanish." to loop-player

				send "" to all players where [input has permission ""]

make console execute command "gamemode 3 %player%"

set player's gamemode to spectator

command /mute [<player>] [<string>]:
	permission: Inferium.Helper
	permission message: &cYou do not have permission for this!
		if argument 1 is not set:
			send "&c/mute (username) (reason)"
		else if argument 1 is set:
			if argument 2 is set:
				send "&cYou muted %arg 1% for %arg 2%."
				send "&c&lYou have been muted for %arg 2% for 0d0h30m0s." to argument 1
				set {Inferium.mute.%arg 1%} to "true"
				set {Inferium.lastmute.%arg 1%} to "%arg 2%"
				set {Inferium.mutereason.%arg 1%} to "%arg 2%"
				wait 30 minutes
				set {Inferium.mute.%arg 1%} to "false"
im not even going to recreate this again, just look at this https://forums.skunity.com/resources/node-staff.798/
{inferium::%arg 1%::frozen}


I would have some sort of Gordon Ramsey level insult but i think I've done enough damage for one day.

No damage is done at all, but thanks for showing me this. I released the broken version of the skript, instead of it's finished state. My bad.

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