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Action Combat Tag+


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ActionCombatTag+ is a full combat tag solution that makes the CombatLogX plugin obsolete. It includes features such as freezing combat tag while sprinting and an option to be immune to combat tag as an admin. ACT+ also tracks the "combatant" of a combat tagged player, allowing combat log kills to be credited. Combat time is shown on the actionbar.

# Action Combat Tag Plus [ACT+], by EnderEyeGames/root@kali

on damage of a player:
  attacker is a player
  {actplus.immune.%victim's uuid%} is not 1:
    {actplus.time.%victim's uuid%} is not set:
      send "&6[&c&lACT&e+&6]&c You are now in combat. Do not log out." to victim
    set {actplus.time.%victim's uuid%} to 12
    set {actplus.combatant.%victim's uuid%} to "%attacker%"
  {actplus.immune.%attacker's uuid%} is not 1:
    {actplus.time.%attacker's uuid%} is not set:
      send "&6[&c&lACT&e+&6]&c You are now in combat. Do not log out." to attacker
    set {actplus.time.%attacker's uuid%} to 12
    set {actplus.combatant.%attacker's uuid%} to "%victim%"
every 2 ticks:
  loop all players where [{actplus.time.%player input's uuid%} exists]:
    {actplus.time.%loop-player's uuid%} is less than 0.1:
      send action bar "&aYou are no longer in combat." to loop-player
      send "&6[&c&lACT&e+&6]&a You are no longer in combat." to loop-player
      delete {actplus.time.%loop-player's uuid%}
      delete {actplus.combatant.%loop-player's uuid%}
    {actplus.time.%loop-player's uuid%} is greater than 0:
      loop-player is not sprinting:
        send action bar "&cYou are in combat for %{actplus.time.%loop-player's uuid%}% seconds (%{actplus.combatant.%loop-player's uuid%}%)" to loop-player
        subtract 0.1 from {actplus.time.%loop-player's uuid%}
      loop-player is sprinting:
        send action bar "&cCombat time frozen while sprinting (%{actplus.combatant.%loop-player's uuid%}%)" to loop-player
on command:
  {actplus.time.%player's uuid%} is set
  player does not have the permission "actplus.immune":
    send "&6[&c&lACT&e+&6]&c You cannot execute commands in combat." to player
    cancel event
  command is not "actimmune":
    send "&6[&c&lACT&e+&6]&c You cannot usually execute commands in combat." to player
    send "&6[&c&lACT&e+&6]&a You have the ability to escape combat with /actimmune." to player
    cancel event
on quit:
  {actplus.time.%player's uuid%} exists
  kill player
  broadcast "&6[&c&lACT&e+&6]&c&l %player%&c logged out while fighting &l%{actplus.combatant.%player's uuid%}%"
on death of a player:
  wait 1 tick
  {actplus.time.%victim's uuid%} exists
  set {actplus.time.%victim's uuid%} to 0
on join:
  {actplus.immune.%player's uuid%} exists:
    send "&6[&c&lACT&e+&6]&a You're currently immune to combat tag. Disable with /actimmune" to player
command /actimmune:
  permission: actplus.immune
  permission message: &6[&c&lACT&e+&6]&c Permission required: actplus.immune
    {actplus.immune.%player's uuid%} exists:
      delete {actplus.immune.%player's uuid%}
      send "&6[&c&lACT&e+&6]&a You are no longer immune to combat tag." to player
    {actplus.immune.%player's uuid%} is not set:
      set {actplus.immune.%player's uuid%} to 1
      send "&6[&c&lACT&e+&6]&a You are now immune to combat tag." to player
      delete {actplus.time.%player's uuid%}
      delete {actplus.combatant.%player's uuid%}

# End of Action Combat Tag Plus


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very cool

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