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Upload world backup for server repair


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I was trying to update my nether with my friends but it didnt work, we've deleted the DIM-1 file. And then suggested my friend to delete the whole nehter file, we tried it (after making a backup). It did not work (because we didnt know the Nether updat would be available over 1/3 weeks.

The problem is: How can i restore my world with my backup?

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It didn't work because minehut is still on 1.15 untill spigot and most plugins update. I did not know that and also backed up and deleted my world, now I can upload my backup in game but I have no way to make it the default world, I can just tp to it but if I leave the nether I go back to the reseted world.

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Hey! You can't really recover worlds that you've deleted/reset. The best way to have backups is to download the world (before making big chagnes) and minehut will make it very soon to make it to have all the new 1.16 features 


Vip (Unknown) >> Jr.Mod 30/10/2019 >> Mod 30/12/2019

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