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Minehut Moderators - Best To Worst (My Opinion)


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Lmao, I'm just doing this thread because I have NOTHING TO DO in the Minehut Lobbies since I'M MUTED. SO I'M BOREDDDDDD

Anyways, I've listed some of the Minehut Moderators that I think is the best and the worst. Keep in mind, THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION!
Also note that I am not listing ALL THE MODERATORS that exists in Minehut since some of them are very inactive and the ones I don't
really meet will not be listed in here. ALSO SENIOR MODERATORS WILL BE IN THE LIST!

1. BennyDoesStuff - Friendly Guy, Very Nice. Hecka Cool Guy. My #1 Favorite Sr. Mod 10/10

2. Spiderlogical - Also very friendly and kind. (In a different way). 9.5/10

3. Vinixs - Has Spiderlogical as basically his MInecraft twin. Everything about him is the same as Spiderlogical. 9.5/10

4. Jackson33 - This guy is fine. But he's fun sometimes and very nice. 8/10

5. Fjsu - Pretty fine guy. Answers me when I'm saying "Hi" to him. 7.5/10

6. Filr - Now, I never see this guy in-game. But he response to forums so I must give him something. 7/10

7. CyberRyan - He is nice. But he also has his Pitch Darkside. Especially his server. 6/10

8. Jellz - Active in lobby but doesn't really answer anyone's questions. Just saying to stop spamming. 5/10


?. TehRaptor - I saw him in-game once, he was fine.

?. xMuel - I saw him in-game but never see him do any actions.

?. McThistle2 - Also saw him in-game. Don't really remember him though.

?. RichieNy - Nope, never heard of him.

?. dragonet64 - Uhh... Who is this?

?. Thedangs - Sounds fimiliar but not similar.

?. TheRustySpud - I don't know him.

?. Ceppy - BRO WHO IS THIS...

?. Nichxixs - Don't know him, but I like his name =|

?. FadelessBanjo - I don't know If you're Fadeless or not but I do not know you... I shall leave now...


I'm PRETTY SURE I listed every Moderators. If I didn't list any, feel free to add additional ratings in the replies. Thank you, I just wasted your time!



Edited by Elixzer
Mistake in sentences, lol.



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3 hours ago, Elixzer said:

?. Nichxixs - Don't konw him, but I like his name =|


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First Joined: July 2015
VIP: January 2020
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Mod: 16th July 2020


~ Skript Developer
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~ Previous names: Nichxlxs, Deterno, iHaveSkills, Retrical

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lol (Also my 400 post :D)

Edited by KJPAKA


Active Minehut Player since 2016

Advanced at Skript - Know a lot about running a server 

If you need help with anything contact me @ KJPAKA#0001


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I think you missed someone...

But I wouldn't add him either 😉

Minehut Volunteer Moderator Helper

Discord: powerwinch



[JR.MOD] 28/04/2019

[MOD] 28/07/2019

[SR.MOD] 01/09/2019

[PATRON] / [RESIGNED] 26/07/2020

[MOD] / [REINSTATED] 12/09/2020

[PATRON] / [RESIGNED] 31/10/2020

[MOD] / [REINSTATED] 25/02/2021

[<3] 09/06/2022

[HELPER] 29/11/2023



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I can't tell if Jackson33 was a joke but I appreciate the placing.

Joined on January 17th 2016

VIP since April 5 2017 - August 1st 2019

JrMod since August 1st

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SrMod since November 2nd - 2/7/21

Patron since February 8 - 3/7/21

Mod since March 8 2021

Retired since idk when


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5 minutes ago, TheGoose said:

missing JackJack33, bud.


i would place all the staff at #1 though, just so nobody takes anything personally 😉

I wonder why people don't read the top note. THIS IS MY OPINION. You don't have to go around sayin "YO THAT'S WRONG!" - Sorry for the caps. Mr. Moderators 😞

Edited by Elixzer



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2 minutes ago, Elixzer said:

I wonder why people don't read the top note. THIS IS MY OPINION. You don't have to go around sayin "YO THAT'S WRONG!"

Wasn't saying it's wrong, apologies, I should've worded my post differently!

VIP since January 7th, 2020

Support since September 19th, 2020

Helper since November 3rd, 2020

Moderator since March 8th, 2021




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12 hours ago, Elixzer said:


6. Filr - Now, I never see this guy in-game. But he response to forums so I must give him something. 7/10





Yay, but I'm in game pretty much daily 😞 I just keep my silence really unless someone asks something 🙂

Yes I used to be [ADMIN]. I resigned from that position

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