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Security Issues with bots and alts joining in with vpns.



So my friend owns a server called spellcast on minehut. But bots and alts come in, and somehow without any op powers. He gets banned. But then he unbans himself with console. Banned. The bots can also shut down and crash servers, and i'm wondering if there is anything the minehut devs/staff can do about bots and alts joining and somehow getting op. We even ip banned em. But it won't work. Please help.

Ban my Friend got:

[Wed, 3. Jul 2019 17:18:44 GMT INFO] Disconnecting protocolsupport.protocol.utils.authlib.GameProfile(onlineMode: false, originalname: AwesomeSauce_ftw, originaluuid: 9f3ba82a-3ee0-48e7-ad7e-9747113617fe, name: AwesomeSauce_ftw, uuid: 9f3ba82a-3ee0-48e7-ad7e-9747113617fe, properties: {textures=[protocolsupport.api.utils.ProfileProperty(name: textures, value: eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NjIxNzQyNzM2MTYsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6IjlmM2JhODJhM2VlMDQ4ZTdhZDdlOTc0NzExMzYxN2ZlIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJBd2Vzb21lU2F1Y2VfZnR3IiwidGV4dHVyZXMiOnsiU0tJTiI6eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzcwNTAyMDNmNGMyNGNhMTQzNWU1YTlkOGY0ZjVhNjBjMjJiODdlNWRjNWZhMGFkYWRjYmM3ZmFhMzEzNWI0ZTgifX19, signature: 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)]}) (/ You are banned from this server. Reason: The Ban Hammer has spoken!
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3 answers to this question

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This seems like a serious issue. Try shutting down the server and keeping it unlisted till you can fix the problem. Try ipbanning them again and if that doesn't work try other ban plugins. If problems continue, you may need to change your server name and add a bot protection plugin. If nothing helps, try contacting staff directly via discord or forum pms.

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IP bans on Minehut don't work, Minehut specifically spoofs your IP address so when you join a server the Owner of that server can't get your real IP.


Hope this helped out. If you have anymore questions feel free to pm me.

- SurielZek (Member of Minehut)

Edited by SurielZek


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There is also no way that bots can just join a server and get OP, If that was the case then every server in the world would be hacked by now. Either you console has been hacked and you don't know about it or you have some sort of plugin/skript so when someone joins it will OP them.


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