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The tragedy of Darth Simp the wise


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Did you ever hear of the tragedy of Darth Simp?

It was the story of my life.

I woke up from my unconsciousness.

Upon moments of dizziness, I began to examine the surrounding. Surrounded by breezes of wind, I found myself outside somewhere at ashore. The sky was grey, abnormally greyer than the already heavily polluted sky of my home town. I cannot see the sun, nor any clouds. Only thing I could see through the thick sky was the glimpse of a few albatross as if they are hanged by a few strings, spiralling motionless in the far, pearliness sky. 

I could almost see the beautiful, stunning coral reefs underneath the deep, rolling waves. Different shades of colours tinted the monotoned brownness of the hollow caves of andesite, giving it a sense of vitality in the midst of the depressing atmosphere. Watching the tropical fish struggling in-between the labyrinth formed by twisted coralline, everything seemed so green and submarine. While suddenly, I heard a screaming, an echo to be precise - willowing from the distant time and space, brushing the shore, tangling and interfering with the sand, making it tremble and dance in the soaring wind. 

I looked back as if someone was calling me. It was a tunnel of darkness, with glints of light in the end. I don’t know why, but my instinct urges me to follow the unknown. I step forward and walk towards the portal of mystery. Surrounded by the void and darkness, I began to feel pain, excruciating pain around my body. My muscle flickered due to the overwhelming convulsion. It was as if someone is stirring me with a rod. I fell to the ground, struggling and trying to reach the end of the tunnel. I could almost see the other side.

Suddenly I was teleported back to my home street. She on the other side of the street, the love of my life. It was when we first met. I was still struck by her beauty. She spied on me like a stranger. I looked at her in tranquillity. Finally, our eyes held and she smiled, enigmatically. She opened her mouth but I couldn’t hear anything. The intense connection began to fell apart as her image began to fade away. I tried to grab her hand, but all I could feel was emptiness. Our hands passed through each other as if we are in different worlds. I cried her name, no response. I kept on growling with all my strength, but all I got was a frozen projection. I could feel my tears burning, behind my eyes.

I looked at my hand, it was transparent. My mere existence began to deteriorate in front of my own eyes. It was at this moment that I remembered, the terrifying concussion before I lost my conscious. It was a dark night and a speeding car crushed at our car. I was in the main seat while my wife was in the backseat, cuddling with her boyfriend. I twisted the steering wheel to the left so she could be fine. Alas, the opposite truck engulfed me into a total darkness, bringing me into total obliteration.

I felt a great pull from behind, attempting to suck me into the total darkness. I tried to resist, but it was useless, I was yanked back to the tunnel. I kept on screaming her name, wishing to see her one more time. It was at this moment that I realise, the echoes I heard earlier, was my own. I held on to the ground, hoping to pinpoint something that can stop my inevitable termination, to prove my existence in this universe.

“Your time is up, my son”, A voice echoed in my heart. “Let go, your struggling is meaningless. You have to go at some point in your life.” “Who are you”, I asked, while my hand is still holding onto the pole unrelentingly. “You can call me god, or your own conscious”, the voice echoed erratically, as if someone was mumbling around my eardrum. “You had been falling every day in your life, even upon your waking eyes. Everyone thinks you are a joke, your career is a dead-end, you have no friends to love, your wife’s boyfriend doesn’t like you, why even bother keeping on?” I silenced, questioning myself, the mere meaning of my existence. My hand began to lose up. “Are you scared? There is nothing to be afraid of, death itself is painless.. Let go.. and have peace forever..” Just as I was going to let go, her image reappeared in my heart all in a sudden. With all my strength, I grasp the handle once again.  I whispered to the voice, “Yes, I am terrified, but I am not frightened at death, I am scared of losing her.” The voice silenced. I continued, “Sunlight streams through my window every day before I fall, bringing me million bright ambassadors of morning. Her smile, her voice, is what keeps me going on, she is my angel, she is my goddess. And I will not give up because of anything.”

The voice continued to be petrified. My will become more and more determined. The pain across my body become more and more surreal and intense, but my mind is clear. I will not surrender to death itself, I will not succumb to the tormenting stress. I screamed, “No one will sing me lullabies and no one will make me close my eyes, especially not you.” I tore the tunnel apart as it finally sucks me in. An open window appeared in front of me. I smashed it open and finally freed my conscious from the restraint. I woke up at my sickbed.

After summoning up all my strength, I finally opened up my eye. My wife was curling on the side of my sickbed, asleep, with tears on her face. Her boyfriend was tucking her into his hug. Looking at their grin on their cheeks, I am finally satisfied. He looked at me and said, “Ok Benny, you can now watch while we are dating.”


I listened to him, quietly, I finally proven my existence in front of him and got his approval. I will not be scared of anything anymore. He handed me a Nintendo switch, “Wanna play a game with me?” 


It was the happiest day of my life.

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Edited by ThiccBrain
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