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  1. Hey! So I found this great plugin, compatible with 1.16 AND 1.17, and is stable with spigot/paper. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/blockshuffle-1-13-x-1-17-x-minigame.81598/ is the link to the plugin. It is a game where players get a block they need to stand on. There is a customizable amount of time, and a timer above the hotbar, to find or craft that block, and stand on it. Unlimited amount of players can play. Even though another block shuffle plugins exists (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/block-shuffle-minigame.85296/), this one has a lot of missing features to the one I am suggesting, like the timer on the hotbar, and much more customization. Thanks for considering, Quuy. (My Minecraft IGN)
  2. Hey! So I own a Minehut Server, and I've noticed that I cant take damage whatsoever. I tried De-opping myself, turning off godmode for both essentials and worldguard (yes I turned off auto-invincibility in the config for worldguard), and there has been no fix. I really don't want to uninstall all my plugins, so is there another answer? Im really desperate rn. I am the only one not being able to take damage :( Plugins: And yes, I'm in survival.
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