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Everything posted by Pepe_Sad_Frog

  1. oh ya you are right I'll see if it will work with skQuery thank you again. It has no errors btw
  2. Nvm didn't work. I guess I will try something else with the grant skript but tysm for having the time :,)
  3. Welcome ;D Hope you won't regret your time here as we have a lot of skygens,pvp,survival,minigames,prison,roleplay servers
  4. First I did it without SkQuery addon. After I did it with it nothing worked. I have something on my mind im going to test and I'll tell you if my problem gets solved. Thank you for having the time and try to help me
  5. I don't really know. The skript has no errors but the commands don't work ;o
  6. Okay I will test somethings too. Btw with skquery the commands were working but I had not tuske shoulld I have both and see?
  7. Nope I test them on myself. Is it bcs I dont use essentials?
  8. oh btw the commands are not working do you know why?
  9. Omg thank you so much I'll try that with Tuske you are the best
  10. omg yay Tac might use my skript ^-^
  11. Hello I want to ask for help for a grant skript I am making. command /grant <player>: permission: grant.* permission message: "&cNo perms" trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&c&l Grant " to player format slot 12 of player with paper named "&3&lRanks" to close then run [execute console command "/rank %arg-1%"] format slot 14 of player with paper named "&b&lPermissions" to close then run [execute console command "/permissions %arg-1%"] command /rank <player>: permission: grant.* permission message: "&cNo perms" trigger: send "aaa" to player wait 1 second open chest with 6 rows named "&c&l Ranks " to player format slot 13 of player with golden apple named "&4&lOwner" to close then run [execute console command "/manuadd %arg 1% Owner"] format slot 20 of player with nether star named "&c&lAdmin" to close then run [execute console command "/manuadd %arg 1% Admin"] format slot 24 of player with redstone named "&4&lDeveloper" to close then run [execute console command "/manuadd %arg 1% Developer It has no errors but it doesnt show the second menu when I click "Ranks" Do I need to skript more for it or install an addon ;;-;; Thanks for having the time reading this
  12. xX_Strqfe_Xx please tell me your errors because its working fine to me
  13. Fixed Usage and Aliases command /punish <player>: usage: /punish <player> aliases: /p permission: temp.punish.command permission message: "&cYou have no perms for that" trigger: wait 1 tick open chest with 3 rows named "&4Tempbans Mutes Kicks" to player wait 1 tick format slot 2 of player with bedrock named "&4Hack client" with lore "&830d" to close then run [execute console command "/tempban %arg 1% 30d Hack Client"] format slot 13 of player with diamond named "&4Racism" with lore "&83h" to close then run [execute console command "/mute %arg 1% 3h Racism"] format slot 24 of player with coal block named "&4Swearing 1st Warning" with lore "&8Kick" to close then run [execute console command "/kick %arg 1% Swearing 1st Warning"] format slot 11 of player with quartz block named "&4Disrespectful against staff/players" with lore "&840m" to close then run [execute console command "/tempban %arg 1% 40m Disrespectful against staff/players"] format slot 4 of player with gold block named "&4Spamming" with lore "&81h" to close then run [execute console command "/mute %arg 1% 1h Spamming"] format slot 15 of player with emerald block named "&4Disrespectful against staff/players" with lore "&8Kick" to close then run [execute console command "/kick %arg 1% Disrespectful against staff/players"] format slot 20 of player with purpur block named "&4Autoclicker" with lore "&830d" to close then run [execute console command "/tempban %arg 1% 30d Autoclicker"] format slot 22 of player with obsidian block named "&4Swearing" with lore "&82h" to close then run [execute console command "/mute %arg 1% 2h Swearing"] format slot 6 of player with ice named "&4Spamming 1st Warning" with lore "&8Kick" to close then run [execute console command "/kick %arg 1% Spamming 1st Warning"]
  14. So this one of my other skripts. Its a censor chat skript. I wont put the bad words I put btw so staff wont hate me on chat: replace "put a bad word here" with "love" in message on chat: replace "put a bad word here" with "the best" in message on chat: replace all "put a bad word here" with "body part" in message on chat: replace "put a bad word here" with "Im not racist" in message on chat: replace "put a bad word here" with "You are better than me" in message on chat: replace "put a bad word here" with "Ilysm" on chat You can change it and tell me what you added ;D. Btw its very funny when people are mad and they saying one of these bad words. Like today before one of my staff was mad at me and said f*ck you but bcs I made this skript it shown love u xD yeah I have 0 sense of humour
  15. Hello, today I wanna share with you my 3rd but my 1st big skript. Its a ban system with a menu. Its not a hard skript but not very easy for biginners I think. You can change things if you want and please tell me if you use it. I will be glad too Also if you want me to change the blocks and you dont know how contact me thru discord : Pepe_Sad_Frog#0787 or msg me here. command /punish <player>: usage: /temppunish <player> aliases: /tp permission: temp.punish.command permission message: "&cYou have no perms for that" trigger: wait 1 tick open chest with 3 rows named "&4Tempbans Mutes Kicks" to player wait 1 tick format slot 2 of player with bedrock named "&4Hack client" with lore "&830d" to close then run [execute console command "/tempban %arg 1% 30d Hack Client"] format slot 13 of player with diamond named "&4Racism" with lore "&83h" to close then run [execute console command "/mute %arg 1% 3h Racism"] format slot 24 of player with coal block named "&4Swearing 1st Warning" with lore "&8Kick" to close then run [execute console command "/kick %arg 1% Swearing 1st Warning"] format slot 11 of player with quartz block named "&4Disrespectful against staff/players" with lore "&840m" to close then run [execute console command "/tempban %arg 1% 40m Disrespectful against staff/players"] format slot 4 of player with gold block named "&4Spamming" with lore "&81h" to close then run [execute console command "/mute %arg 1% 1h Spamming"] format slot 15 of player with emerald block named "&4Disrespectful against staff/players" with lore "&8Kick" to close then run [execute console command "/kick %arg 1% Disrespectful against staff/players"] format slot 20 of player with purpur block named "&4Autoclicker" with lore "&830d" to close then run [execute console command "/tempban %arg 1% 30d Autoclicker"] format slot 22 of player with obsidian block named "&4Swearing" with lore "&82h" to close then run [execute console command "/mute %arg 1% 2h Swearing"] format slot 6 of player with ice named "&4Spamming 1st Warning" with lore "&8Kick" to close then run [execute console command "/kick %arg 1% Spamming 1st Warning"]
  16. I love u people ;-;


  18. command /temppunish <offlineplayer>: usage: /temppunish <offlineplayer> aliases: /tp permission: temp.punish.command permission message: "&cYou have no perms for that" trigger: wait 1 tick open chest with 3 rows named "&4Punish" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with bedrock named "&0Hack client" with lore "&830d" to close then run [execute player command "/tempban <player> 30d Hack Client"]
  19. Hello person, How are u person? Hope you are okay person, person I need help tho ;-;. Im making a custom ban punish skript. The skript has no errors and it works fine with the menu. The only problem is that when I do /temppunish player example /temppunish Pepe_Sad_Frog it shows me a menu with the things I want but when I click the block I chose to ban the player for 30d for Hack Client is says "No player found" like BRUH pls someone help me ;-;
  20. Spud I still remember when u made me get banned from valknet when I was staff... Lmfao it's so funny when I remind it
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