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Everything posted by BlahBlahxD2

  1. wait I have a idea. I use the run part to make a variable true to start a every 2 ticks that checks if it's true. after that it will be disabled. that means I don't need the inventory click part! the only bad part is it will make my skript long...
  2. NotKaizo you don't need to look at the gui part. you can just look at the on inventory click part. but one flaw with my gui skript is that there is a run that runs a thing...
  3. prob make a kit menu gui and a leveling up system for pvp
  4. idk how to use TuSke through I like skQuery only because it is more simple for me and I like it.
  5. so I am trying my very best to make the left click shop but here is what I got... on leftclick with dirt: open chest with 3 rows named "&3&lDirty Shop" to player format slot 10 of player with dirt named "&9Another dirt clicker" with lore "&4&lAdds $1 to each click" to close on inventory click: if name of current inventory of player is "&3&lDirty Shop": if name of event-item is "&9Another dirt clicker": add 1 to {moneyperclick::%player%} remove 50 from {money::%player%} What I am trying to do is to remove money from player's uuid. give the moneyperclick to player and make it so if you click it. it will do the stuff. idk what is happening. I know it is trying to see the player's inventory. but can it see from a gui through? I am using: Skript, SkQuery, SkRayFall, Skellett
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