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Everything posted by ReaMart

  1. Idk the fire at the Notre Dame maybe?
  2. Michael is the silent hero.
  3. ReaMart


    LOL the ad saved me..
  4. Im grateful for freedom of speech, relegion, etc.
  5. I have a list of players and I want something to happen when there are more than 2 players in the list. How would I achieve this? And how would I send the amount of players required to chat? In my favorite programming language, python, this would be something like if len(list) > 2: do something else: print("not enough players, need " + str(3 - len(list)) + " more players"
  6. launch ball large coloured yellow, red and orange fading to light grey and black at arg-1's location with duration 2 make the player ride a firework I have the above in my script, but this makes two diffrent fireworks: 1. the one with the fancy colors, by the first line 2. a normal firework on which the player is riding I want the player to ride the fancy firework instead of a new one.
  7. Hi, I'm ReaMart, im just the average minecraft player, I'm decent at redstone/commands and building. Im not that good at pvp but that won't prevent me from trying to win. I'm currently making a minigame server, with custom minigames.
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