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  1. command /drops [<text>]: permission: skript.drops permission message: &cNo permission. trigger: if arg-1 is "on": set {Drops} to true send "&aDropping is now allowed!" stop else if {Drops} is true: send "&cDrops are already allowed!" if arg-1 is "off": set {Drops} to false send "&cDropping is now disallowed" stop else if {Drops} is false: send "&cDrops are already disallowed!" stop on drop: if {Drops} is true: stop if {Drops} is false: cancel event
  2. command /colouredchat [<text>]: aliases: clc permission: skript.colouredchat permission message: &cNo permission. trigger: broadcast "%player's prefix%&f%player%: %coloured arg 1%"
  3. My first skript released. (pls don't bully) command /text [<player>] [<text>]: aliases: /whisper, /whisp /t usage: &cNot enough arguments. /text (player) (message) trigger: set {text} to difference between {text.%player%} and now if {text} is less than 5 seconds: send "&cYou must wait &4%difference between {text} and 5 seconds% &cbefore messaging again!" stop set {text.%player%} to now if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: send "&9%player% &b> &9You &b| %coloured arg-2%" to arg-1 send "&9You &b> %arg-1% &b| %coloured arg-2%" to player else: send "&cNot enough arguments. /text (player) (message)" else: send "&cNot enough arguments. /text (player) (message)" loop all players: if loop-player has permission "skript.messagesee": send "&9%player% &bhas messaged &9%arg-1%&b: %coloured arg-2%" if arg-1 is online: send "&9You &b> %arg-1% &b| %coloured arg-2%" to player else: send "&cThis player doesn't exist!" the part where some people can see the messages is not perfect.
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