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Everything posted by Punish

  1. make a gui for armor, swords, equipment (all types like chainmail, wooden sword, iron pickaxe) all good luck.
  2. Hey, I'm sorry for what happened to you, but you can't report a server for banning you for false accusation. You can only report servers that have broken Minehut's Player server Rules/Policies (Note: This happens to a lot of People on Different Servers and it's known as Abuse of Permissions) There are lots of other Dupe Servers you may like
  3. Punish

    Name Availability

    Hey! You can Suggest this to add as a Feature here -> Suggestions, But sorry there's no Feature like that (Not that I've known).
  4. Punish

    Help with dash skript

    options: Cooldown: 2 seconds Speed: 2 on right click: if player is holding shield named "&4&litemname": Dash(player) function Dash(p: player): set {_u} to {_p}'s uuid if {dash.last::%{_u}%} is set: set {_wait} to difference between {dash.last::%{_u}%} and now else: set {_wait} to {@Cooldown} if {_wait} >= {@Cooldown}: set {dash.last::%{_u}%} to now if {_p} is on ground: push {_p} forwards at speed {@Speed} else: push {_p} forwards at speed {@Speed} / 2 else: send action bar "&citemname: %difference between {_wait} and {@Cooldown}% left" to {_p} try this
  5. { "pack": { "pack_format": 8, 7 "description": "Hi" } } try making pack.mcmeta
  6. Either world's corrupt or Server's forge loader version is Outdated or Some forge mod is broken/outdated (is what I found) Try to either update server.jar (whatever it is) or format/reset the entire server or replace forge mods with latest version
  7. It might be caused by a Corrupt Plugin(s), because when server's Initial version is updated the plugins aren't. Causing them to corrupt and stop the Server from starting.
  8. Don't Know, but Purpur sure is more optimized than Paper
  9. Try /summon wolf ~ ~ ~ {Owner:2zie,CustomName:"Betsy",CustomNameVisible:1}
  10. a gui that lists all the online players, and admin commands when clicked on the player's head like "Ban", "Kick", "Ip-Ban" etc.
  11. i haven't seen any other trolls than that, should've been more attentive.
  12. i got that once but i ignored it since i was half dead from skripting for 3 hours
  13. I didn't find it until now..
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