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Everything posted by KingKline2

  1. Changing the difficulty in console is buggy I would recommend using the commands ingame. /difficulty peaceful replace peaceful with the difficulty that you want.
  2. The command is /ban userNameHere to do this command you have to be opped which can be done on minehut.com > edit server > console commands and type /op yourusernamehere
  3. o comando para banir um jogador é /pardon usernameAqui
  4. KingKline2

    I crashed it

    On the dashboard of your server go to console commands and type this command /kill @e[type=item]
  5. KingKline2

    invalid files?

    I would use dropbox when uploading a world. Also make sure the world is in a zip file (You can do this by selecting all the files and "archiving" or "zipping" all the files. Please be sure you don't name your world with any spaces) after uploading to dropbox create a share link by pressing the button that says "share" when uploading the world use the command /ul world <worldname> <direct link> and in the link the 0 at the end change it to a 1 when typing the command press enter and everything should work
  6. I think you are trying to say you join the minehut lobby? If you are try doing the command /join serverNameHere and you should go to your server. if you still aren't able to join your server make sure the server is online | an error would show in chat if it is another reason.
  7. if you are on windows you can check your client logs this way in the bottom left where it says "type here to search" press that type "%appdata%" then press enter press .minecraft press logs find the log from the time you where on the server do ctrl + f and type "fri" the server name should show up or you can read the logs to see when the server name was displayed
  8. If the items were spawned as items you can do the command /kill @e[type=item] If the cakes are blocks /fill xyz xyz <block1> replace <block2> Where <block1> is replacing <block2> | the first xyz will the the top left of the area and the second xyz will the the bottom right. do these commands from console
  9. There isn't much you can do. The only way to restore the server if you load a previous backup (looks like you already tried that) or they downloaded the world before the server got griefed. I would recommend turning on whitelist so only wanted people can join /whitelist on | /whitelist add userNameHere
  10. If TAB REBORN is not working you can go to the same area where you installed the plugin. Then instead if pressing the uninstall/install button press the "reset config" button. Then restart the server, and crashing should stop. If that does not work go to dangerzone in your dashboard and press the "repair" button then restart your server.
  11. In your dashboard, in the "server command" area type the command /gamerule randomTickSpeed 3 this will set the randomtickspeed back to the original speed
  12. Do you have the plugin WorldGuard? you might be in a region with invincible turned on.
  13. you are going to need Op for this command. do /worlds see all of the worlds there and see if your other world is there. If the world isn't there, there is nothing else to do, except look in files and see if the world is there. If you do see the world with the command /worlds go to dashboard > settings > levelname and make it the name of the world with all of your items on,
  14. On dashboard make sure that mob spawning is turned on. It can be found at Dashboard > mob spawning > and make sure the button is on. also if you have world guard make sure the region allows mob spawning. /rg flags RgNameHere < look for mob spawning and enable it.
  15. KingKline2

    How to get maps

    I'm going to need some more context. When you are saying multiple maps are you trying to upload a world , download a world or something completely different.
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