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Everything posted by Swayl

  1. Staff Chat (Skript) Using this script, You are able to communicate with your staff without the normal players knowing. It can be toggled by Simply typing /sc or /staffchat The permission to access and see the staff chat is simply just "staff". The commands for it is either /staffchat or /sc. This script also has a bonus feature. By adding @ at the start of you message, The message will be sent to staff chat instead. Pictures Script (32 lines) options: server: &3[Server]&7 no-perm: &cYou lack of permission. usage: &3&lUSAGE &8| command /sc [<text>]: aliases:staffchat permission: staff permission message: "{@no-perm}" trigger: if arg-1 is set: send "&3&L(STAFF-CHAT) &f%player's display name% &8| &f%arg-1%" to all players where [input has permission "staff"] else: if {staff.chat::%player's uuid%} is not set: set {staff.chat::%player's uuid%} to true send "&3&L(STAFF-CHAT) &7Staff chat &aenabled&7." else: delete {staff.chat::%player's uuid%} send "&3&L(STAFF-CHAT) &7Staff chat &cdisabled&7." on chat: if {staff.chat::%player's uuid%} is set: cancel event send "&3&L(STAFF-CHAT) &f%player's display name% &8| &f%message%" to all players where [input has permission "staff"] on chat: set {_m} to uncolored message set {_mes::*} to {_m} split at "" if {_mes::1} is "@": cancel event replace all "@" with "" in message execute player command "/sc %message%"
  2. KillTop | Configurable This script is usually useful for PvP servers. It's currently set to top 5 most kills, But it can be easily set to top 10 by simply changing to (This script is not mine. It belongs to MrScopes, I'm simply just sharing it.) Commands - /killtop or /kt command /killtop [<text>]: aliases:kt trigger: set {_top} to 5 send "" send " &b&lKill top &3(Top 5 Killers)" send "" set {_top::*} to sorted {kills::*} from highest to lowest with format "@index" # Assuming {kills::%uuid of player%} is your kills variable loop {_top::*}: add 1 to {_n} set {_p} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offline player set {_player} to {_p}'s uuid send " &3(##%{_n}%) &b%{_p}% &3(%{kills::%{_player}%}% kills)" if {_n} is {_top}: stop loop send ""
  3. Better Reports - Every report is logged in a GUI. Which can be cleared easily. This script is easy to edit. 48 lines of script. So I'd say it's very light weight, Shouldn't lag your server. Permissions staff - This player will be alerted when a report is made. Basically my permission node for the staff team. Pictures These ar e the messages sent to players and the player with the permission "staff" Once you execute the command /reports (Only players with the permission "staff" has access). This will show up, and once you hover it, It'll show the player who reported the player, and it's reason. On the bottom-right corner, You'll see an empty map called Clear Reports... It's pretty much self-explanatory but, Once you click it, It'll delete all the reports and refresh the GUI. Everytime the GUI is empty, this will show up. This will also show up once you've cleared all the reports. Script (48 lines): options: prefix: &3[Reports] staff: staff no-perm: &cNo permission. gui-name: &3Reports &lGUI command /report [<offline player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is set: add arg-1 to {reports::players::*} set {reports::reason::%arg-1%} to arg 2 set {reports::reporter::%arg-1%} to player send "{@prefix} &7Sucessfully reported &e%arg-1% &7for &e%arg-2%&7." send "{@prefix} &7A new file has been made against &e%arg-1%&7. Check /reports." to all players where [input has permission "staff"] else: send "{@prefix} &7Please provide a reason." else: send "{@prefix} &7Please provide a player." command /reports [<text>]: permission: {@staff} permission message: {@no-perm} trigger: send "{@prefix} &7Opening the report gui..." wait 1 tick reports(player) function reports(p: player): open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "{@gui-name}" to {_p} set {_n} to 0 if {reports::players::*} is set: loop {reports::players::*}: format gui slot {_n} of {_p} with ("%loop-value%" parsed as offline player)'s skull with no nbt named "&3%loop-value%" with lore "&7Reason&8: &3%{reports::reason::%loop-value%}%" and "&7Reporter&8: &3%{reports::reporter::%loop-value%}%" add 1 to {_n} if {_n} = 53: stop loop else: format gui slot 0 of {_p} with paper with no nbt named "&7None." with lore "&7Currently no reports." to do nothing format gui slot 53 of {_p} with empty map with no nbt named "&6Clear Reports" to run: close player's inventory loop {reports::players::*}: delete {reports::reason::%loop-value%} delete {reports::reporter::%loop-value%} wait 1 tick clear {reports::players::*} reports({_p}) ENJOY! Thank you for reading!
  4. Trent do you like youtube? Since I'm working on a secret project, Entirely made with skript
  5. on chat: if message contains "[item]": cancel event player is not holding air set {_count} to amount of player's held item in player's inventory if player's tool is enchanted: if line 1 of lore of player's tool is set: replace all "[item]" in message with "&8[<tooltip:&e%tool's name ? type of tool% &8(&f%{_count}%x&8)%nl%&7%tool's enchantments%%nl%%tool's lore%>&f%{_count}%x %name of tool ? type of tool%&8]&7" else: replace all "[item]" in message with "&8[<tooltip:&e%tool's name ? type of tool% &8(&f%{_count}%x&8)%nl%%tool's enchantments%%nl%&7No Lores.>&f%{_count}%x %name of tool ? type of tool%&8]&7" if player's tool is not enchanted: if line 1 of lore of player's tool is set: replace all "[item]" in message with "&8[<tooltip:&e%tool's name ? type of tool% &8(&f%{_count}%x&8)%nl%&7No Enchantments.%nl%%tool's lore%>&f%{_count}%x %name of tool ? type of tool%&8]&7" else: replace all "[item]" in message with "&8[<tooltip:&e%tool's name ? type of tool% &8(&f%{_count}%x&8)%nl%&7No Enchantments.%nl%&7No Lores.>&f%{_count}%x %name of tool ? type of tool%&8]&7" replace all "||" with "%nl%" in message send "%player's displayname%&f: &7%message%" to all players It should work. I hope. It'll appear like this
  6. on snap: number of all players >= 2 if player's held item's uncolored name is "Infinity Gauntlet": {gauntlet::mind} is set {gauntlet::power} is set {gauntlet::soul} is set {gauntlet::space} is set {gauntlet::reality} is set set {_players} to number of all players loop {_players} times: set {_random} to random player out of all kill {_random}
  7. Swayl


    i want this to be my signaturei
  8. Yea. Plus Kailum's has more views! and comments and stuff.
  9. Swayl


    10/10. I like how you made the timestamp shorter... Like instead of 5 days, you just do "5d". Nice feature.
  10. This is like Kailum's "Lock this" thread :3
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