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Everything posted by Tewca

  1. I need help with a skript that if a player clicks a message, it puts the set string into the chat area that you like type in. If you could help I would be grateful
  2. Damn, was wondering why that old minehut tutorial wouldn't work
  3. I need help with a skript that gives a player their own head and sets it to slot 3 of their inventory
  4. I need help with this skript Current Code every 1 seconds: wait 10 seconds execute console command "/tellraw %player% {"text":"Click here to join our discord server","bold":true,"color":"dark_aqua","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"https://discord.gg/5ew3KKzA"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Click to join!","color":"gray"}]}}"
  5. I'm trying to make a command in which you get an item from a command. If someone could fix I would be grateful Line 7 is where the error is from, "Can't understand this condition/effect" command /item [<player>] [<text>]: permission: item.use trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: if arg-1 is "wood": give %player% 1 wood planks named "&eWood" with lore "&9Item Type: &7Resource"
  6. Tewca


  7. I need help with this so if you have over a certain bit of the text then there is a tooltip and it is clickable and runs a command Do what you need with it Current Code every 10 seconds: broadcast "&9SERVER &5| &2Looking for a list of commands? &fUse &c&l/help&f or <tooltip:%{random}%><run command:/help>&7[&2Click Here&7]&f to view the list<reset>" It's 10 seconds for testing
  8. Tewca

    1.17 isn't working

    I switch to 1.17 on my server and then I force hibernate the server and when I start the server again it immediately goes offline? Is there a fix?
  9. I'm trying to make a Skript that only lets the player drop items if they are crouched. They can disable this using /drop If someone could help I would be grateful
  10. The Unbreaking 10 doesn't matter, its an if possible thing
  11. I am trying to get this skript to work for when you break a coal block you get a piece of coal with {HideFlags:1} and unbreaking 10. However, I don't know how to implement this into my code so if someone could help me I would be grateful. My Current Code: on mine of coal block: cancel event set event-block to air give player 1 coal named "&5Ancient Crystalized Coal" with lore "&9Item Type: &5Ancient Crystalized"
  12. Can someone help me lol If you can do it I would like, disable wool being broken if the player is not using shears. The normal mechanic happens when shears are used, add like a message when you don't have shears saying that you need shears.
  13. I need a skript that when a player enters a new world they get a potion effect applied to them. If anyone is willing to do this: the world is called "voidworld_nether", the effect i want is mining fatigue 3 (if not possible just do mining fatigue) and the effect should go off after they leave the world.
  14. I'm in need of a skript that teleports the player to spawn when they go below a certain y level. If you are ok with making it for me, I would like it to send a message to the player that says "A swift wind caught you from the void", the y level should be 40 to teleport the player and there should be a setspawn command to set the teleport point.
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