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  1. Triu


    So i didnt know how to do a cooldown and i needed to make one for a command, And i couldnt find out how to on here, so for those that are looking this is how you do a cooldown command /test: #permissions would go here Cooldown 3 seconds Cooldown message: "You are on cooldown rn" trigger: #what ever you want
  2. I wanted to make a plugin, So i made a plugin, You need the plugin skript go to /plugins/Skript/scripts Delete every file you see that you can, Then make a file called "gettingStarted.sk" and copy and paste everything below this in it, (Not the #'s) dont copy and paste this the commands - /sethome /home /day - sets it to day /night - sets it to night /bloodmoon - sets to midnight and gives 3 mins of strength /impance - makes an announcement /broadcast - makes a broadcast command /sethome: trigger: set {home.%uuid of player%} to location of block at location of player send "set home to: %{home.%uuid of player%}%" to player command /home: trigger: teleport player to {home.%uuid of player%} send "§4The blood provails." to player #You can change this command /day: permission: gettingstarted.day #If you have power ranks do /pr addperm (rank) gettingstarted.day and they should be able to do this. trigger: execute console command "time set day" command /night: permission: gettingstarted.night #If you have power ranks do /pr addperm (rank) gettingstarted.night and they should be able to do this. trigger: execute console command "time set night" command /bloodmoon: permission: gettingstarted.bm trigger: execute console command "time set midnight" execute console command "effect give @r minecraft:strength 180" #You can change the number to make it last longer or shorter command /broadcast [<text>]: permission: op usage: &cCorrect usage: /broadcast [message] trigger: broadcast " " broadcast "§aBroadcast§6: %arg-1%" command /impAnce [<text>]: permission: op usage: &cCorrect usage: /impAnce [message] trigger: broadcast " " broadcast "§4IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT§6: %arg-1%"
  3. Triu


    I feel like every server needs a /home so heres the code (Ps make sure to make a new file called "homes.sk" you also need the skript pl obv) in the files your files should look like this /plugins/Skript/scripts/homes.sk code: command /set home: trigger: set {spawn} to location of block at location of player send "set spawn to: %{spawn}%" to player command /home: trigger: teleport player to {spawn} send "Welcome back home father, Nice to see you!" to player #you can change what this says or flat out remove it.
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