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skAyo last won the day on November 13 2023

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  1. Here's a simple gen sell skript for all of you nerds creating gen servers. command /sell: trigger: sell(player, coal, 1) sell(player, iron, 5) add {-temp::%player%} to player's balance send title "&a&lSOLD" with subtitle "&fYou sold all items for &2&l$%{-temp::%player%}%" play sound "block.note_block.pling" with volume 2 to player delete {-temp::%player%} function sell(P: player, I: itemtype, N: int): set {_am} to amount of {_I} in {_P}'s inventory set {_am} to ({_am} * {_N}) remove all {_I} from {_P}'s inventory add {_am} to {-temp::%{_P}%}
  2. You could try something like this: every 15 minutes: loop all players: if "%region at loop-player%" contains "afk": broadcast "&7All the players in the AFK area have got a reward!" play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 3 to all players give white dye named "&5EPIC Crate voucher" to loop-player
  3. You could do something like this: every 5 minutes: loop all players: if "%region at loop-player%" contains "afk": give netherite chestplate of protection 10 to loop-player send "&7You have recieved a reward for &aAFK-ing!" to loop-player
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