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  1. It seems that this issue has now been resolved, thanks for helping Minehut!
  2. Just have to wait, ready my messages above for more information.
  3. I would recommend checking the Discord for more information, once this issue is fixed, I would recomend coming back here to say it is fixed when it is.
  4. More information: So wait for some time, and use direct joining (name-of-server).minehut.gg Now we just have to wait for the servers to come up, and then all open up
  5. Minecraft or Minehut? I agree, the most likely answer is that it is just an issue on Minehut's part, it might be due to something expiring because of the New Year, or something else with the New Year. Well anyway, we should just wait for about 12 hours or so and it should fix itself, but it doesn't, we have to wait for the 2nd of January (Due to Minehut being closed) for the problem to be fixed. Thanks forthe reply
  6. I have the same problem, 90% sure it is a problem with Minehut, and that number is probably one of these things: -A bug -Minecraft problem -Staff -Other Regions -Minehut visual issue (I have no relation with Minehut, as such I have no clue and these are just some guess, not 100% factual facts)
  7. I am unable to join any servers and have been able to do nothing about it. As you can see bellow, the error message states "Connection Lost, Cause: No valid lobbies were found. Last know disconnect reason: No lobbies found." I normally play with an optimization modpack that improves my fps and add shaders, but even with vanilla Minecraft, I can't join Minehut servers, and only Minehut servers. I am wondering if this is an issue with Minehut or something that Minehut has implomented that just ended up causing me to have trouble, as it happend driectly after New Year. If I remeber anything else to add, I will add it here. All I want is to find out how I could resolve this issue and just play some servers with my friend. I'm not sure what this means as I am in these versions of the game (1.19.2/1.19.3): Same problem in the discord: Others simular problems:
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