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Everything posted by Landec

  1. Landec


    nvm someone made smth for me
  2. sounds like a nice idea but would take forever to make probably if you do somehow find a way please tell me because that would be amazing on my server
  3. I found a money note skript but it does not have a /give command (and maybe a /take). The command would look like/give <player> <amount> (dont forget the permissions). I really need it for a new server I'm making. I'll post the skript below:
  4. money note is not working and i cannot find an alternative PLEASE FIX IT I NEED IT FOR MY EPIC SERVER IDEA
  5. yes thanks it works for everything i need it for although for people looking at this skript it doesnt work for snowballs.
  6. Can anyone make a skript where when a projectile hits tnt it destroys it. This would be like in spleef where when you hit a block with a projecitle it breaks.
  7. Make a skript that make projectiles (arrows, snowballs, etc) break blocks instantly so you can make things like bow spleef or snowball spleef.
  8. Landec

    Free Stuffs

    oh can you make a simple anti curse word, bot and spam chat protection. If you could it would be amazing. thx
  9. what do you think how do you think i made the tab
  10. The skript is listed below with the error message also sorry about posting in the wrong area I always get it wrong.
  11. does anyone know how to fix this when i enter the skript clearly given in the skript docs for skrayfall tab it gives me an error. I would really like to use skrayfall for my tab because ive used it for everything else so it would be great it someone could tell me how to fix it. every 1 second: loop all players: set tab header to "&8- &bTablist &8-" and footer to "&7Hi there, &b%loop-player%&7!" for loop-player
  12. is this what you needed https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/spawn-skript.14109/
  13. Kiteboard is also outdated. also the spawners plugin can be replaced by skript easily.
  14. make a skript so that when you click the link to join a discord server you get a certain amount of items
  15. Landec

    plugins not working

    ok thx will it reset the progress or will i not have to worry
  16. Landec

    plugins not working

    Minehut recently updated to 1.16.3 and now most of my plugins are broken such as kiteboard will they be updating to 1.16.3 or is the problem something else. please help.
  17. The skript didn't work it said players drops are for when they die. I think ill post this somewhere else and see if there is a non skript solution.
  18. I am in the process of building a server and I need a skript so that when a player breaks a block they immediately get it in their inventory. Is it possible for someone to make this with just skript and no addons, thx.
  19. due to the bugs in the code i fixed it for everyones sake there just insnt an owner so you will have to make your own skript for that # Note: np = No permission. p = Prefix. options: np: &6&lRANKS &8| &cNo permission. p: &6&lRANKS &8| command /rank [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]: permission: ranks.rank permission message: {@np} aliases: grant, setrank trigger: if argument 1 is not set: send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------" send "&e/rank set (player) (rank) &8» &7Sets a player's rank." send "&e/rank list &8» &7Shows a list of all the groups on the server." send "&e/rank info &8» &7Shows info about the Skript." send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------" else if argument 1 is "set": if argument 2 is set: if argument 3 is "MANAGER" or "MANAGER": set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&c&dMANAGER&c" send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &c&l&7." send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &c&dMANAGER&7." to argument 2 if argument 3 is "Mod" or "Moderator": set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&e&lMOD&e" send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &e&lMOD&7." send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &e&lMOD&7." to argument 2 if argument 3 is "Helper" or "Support": set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&b&lHELPER&b" send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &b&lHELPER&7." send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &b&lHELPER&7." to argument 2 if argument 3 is "default": set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&7" send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &7default." send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &7default." to argument 2 if argument 3 is not "default", "Helper", "Support", "Moderator", "Mod", "MANAGER" or "MANAGER": send "{@p} &7That is not a role. Do &e/rank list &7to see the roles available." else: send "{@p} &7Please specify a user to set the rank for." else if argument 1 is "list": send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------" send "&c&lMANAGER &8&l» &7Has every permission." send "&c&lMOD &8&l» &7Has punishment and gamemode permissions." send "&6&lHELPER &8&l» &7Has kick and fly permissions." send "&7default &8&l» &7Not much." send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------" else if argument 1 is "info": send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------" send "&7This Ranks Skript was created by" send "&eToroVoro." send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------" on chat: set chat format to "%{rank.%player%}% %player% &8&l» &7%message%"
  20. Landec

    Help please

    it works although does it give each individual player a random item or does every player get the same item
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