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Posts posted by Chromamium

  1. Is it hard to make some things while making a minecraft server? No problem!
    My past experience and skills make me a great offer for making you a minecraft server!
    I can offer skripts that are high quality with no errors that i will check if there's any!
    I can unlock you many features from plugins you didn't even know exist!
    Private message me if you want to start making your own server with my help!

  2. you need to try and set it like this:

    command /apply:
    	if arg-1 is Staff:
    		send formatted "&dBoxxboxx &8» <link:https://bit.ly/3frUeDW>&dClick here to apply for Staff.<reset>"
           	if arg-1 is Builder:
    		send formatted "&dBoxxboxx &8» <link:https://bit.ly/3wnjan3>&dClick here to apply for Builder.<reset>"


  3. With this you can see who used the command

    # you can edit the superalert and modify it if you want to #
    command /superalert [<text>]:
        permission: superalert.sk
        permission message: &cYou do not have permission to execute this command.
            if arg-1 is not set:
                message "&CUsage: &7/alert <Message>"
                broadcast "&8----------[&c&lSuperAlert By %player%&8]----------"
                broadcast ""
                broadcast "&c&lALERT! &8➤ &7%arg-1%"
                broadcast ""
                broadcast "&8------------------------------------------------"


  4. Have you ever wondered how to get lines in your tablist server?

    Here it is!!!

    on join:
      set player's tab list header to "&8------&7[ &e&lServerName &7]&8------%nl%&7&e&l/discord&7%nl%"
      set player's tab list footer to "%nl%&e&lStore : /buy%nl%&8-----&7[ &e&l%tps%&7 ]&8-----"
    on quit:
      set player's tab list header to "&8------&7[ &e&lServerName &7]&8------%nl%&7&6/discord&7%nl%"
      set player's tab list footer to "%nl%&e&lStore : /buy%nl%&8-----&7[ &e&l%tps%&7 ]&8-----"
    command /tabr:
        set player's tab list header to "&8------&7[ &e&lServerName &7]&8------%nl%&7&e&l/discord&7%nl%"
        set player's tab list footer to "%nl%&e&lStore : /buy%nl%&8-----&7[ &e&l%tps%&7 ]&8-----"


  5. The

    15 hours ago, Boxmonkey said:

    I don't know this will work for you but here is what I made

    you can change the options to better fit your server or the permmison

      permission: block.admin
      noperm: &cHey, &7you cant do that
      prefix:  &7&k[[ &bBlock &7&k[[ &7
    on place of barrier:
    	if player has permission "{@permission}":
    		send "{@prefix}{@noperm}"
    on place of bedrock:
    	if player has permission "{@permission}":
    		send "{@prefix}{@noperm}"
    on place of structure void:
    	if player has permission "{@permission}":
    		send "{@prefix}{@noperm}"


    the skript barely works, the message gets sent but the block gets placed. You should modify that in cancel evnt?

  6. I am searching for custom enchantments skript especially for swords. one on them are like items that give an effect to a player when attacking or a pickaxe that can break blocks for an 3x3 area. tell me your ideas

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