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  1. M I N E H U T C O M M U N I T Y F A Q HOW TO USE GRIEF PREVENTION PLUGIN AND GRIEF PREVENTION FLAGS REQUIREMENTS: GriefPrevention and GriefPrevention Flags DIFFICULTY: Easy Introduction to GriefPrevention and GriefPrevention Flags: GriefPrevention is a plugin that allows players to claim their areas within a certain amount of blocks. This plugin allows players to prevent other player’s destroying their builds. Grief prevention flags is a plugin that allows you to deny/allow certain things in a selected claim. PLAYER GUIDE (Grief Prevention) To get the golden shovel and stick you need to make claims just do /kit claim, you can use the kit once every 10 minutes. Go over to an area that you want to claim with the golden shovel in your hand and left click on a spot (a), and right click on another (b). If you want to make another claim do the same thing in a different spot. You realize you can't see your other claim, that's when the stick becomes handy. Right click on a space that you claimed and it should be highlighted. Moving on to trusting people, do /trust <username> and that specific player should be allowed to build in that claim. If you don't want them to build, just to open chests and other containers, that would be /containertrust <username>. If you do /trustlist you can see all the players you've trusted with their specific kind. If you just want them to use buttons, levers, etc. that would be /accesstrust <username>. If you don't want a player doing anything on your plot anymore, do /untrust <username>. There is one more level of trust, if you do /permissiontrust <username>, that gives them complete access to your plot/claim. ADMIN GUIDE (Grief Prevention) To activate admin claims do /adminclaim, and do what you usually do for a player claim. To gain access to all claims, you do /ignoreclaims. You can also abandon claims, select the claim you want to abandon with the stick, and do /abandonclaim. If you banned a player or just need to remove a claim for a reason, you can do /abandonallclaims <username>. To make sure that the claims are all gone, you can do /claimlist <username>. If you want to transfer a selected claim to someone, you do /transferclaim <username>. If you do /softmute <username>, only admins will be able to see that chat. - Click here to see the permission nodes. ADMIN GUIDE PT. 2 (Grief Prevention Flags) Make sure you have a claim selected, and do /gpflags setclaimflag <flag> <parameters>, and use one of the ones listed below. Require further assistance?: If you need more help on this topic, head over to this section of forums, or join our Discord! Compiled by the Minehut Staff Team
  2. soulstory

    gravy plugin

    You could probably find a tutorial on youtube, im not sure how to use that plugin.
  3. soulstory


    I think servers are at max capacity right now.
  4. I don't think there is a plugin that lets you do that.
  5. You probably dont have Vault installed, you need that for it too work. Also essentials chat.
  6. Yeah, im pretty sure that plugin is already there.
  7. Make a support ticket, the support team could help you on that.
  8. Yes they work, but ive never really used it, so i really dont know how they work lmao. I think it automatically applies.
  9. Pex is better imo, its one of the easiest. Group manager is also easier too learn.
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