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Bassouli last won the day on June 30 2021

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  1. Hello, I am sorry, you must be pretty frustrated at the moment. I am sure that your punishment was a clear mistake by one of the Minehut moderators, but do not worry, you may appeal and you will get a response within 24 hours: https://forums.minehut.com/application/form/3-player-appeals/
  2. Hello, This is Bassouli This did take place 3 months ago, and you were muted for 6 hours. But due to an issue with the bot at the time, the mute was forever. I have unmuted you. This topic is to be locked
  3. wendy's isnt available in my country
  4. mcdonalds ice cream >
  5. wassup omg ikr mcdonalds has partnered with aliens and is taking over the world
  6. As you all know, between the years 2016 to 2020, almost all mcdonald's Ice crea machines were broken and dysfunctional, I couldnt get my mcflurry or the cone thing for so long :(. Now in 2021 this is no longer the issue, but I want your input, what do you guys thing happened? What was their problem? and how did they find a solution by the end of 2020?
  7. I do not understand most of your past 2 messages
  8. it matters a lot when you try expanding to other languages
  9. 8 years ago we had a family friend named bassel, he gave my brother his minecraft account Which was called Bassouli(something undisclosed), Because Bassouli was his nickname. We shared the account then, but he had to move away abroad, so in memory of him and because I didnt know what other better name, while buying my new mc account, I chose Bassouli to be my name.
  10. Hi, is your server on 1.17? that might be a problem Also I think you might be misspelling /skript reload, a common mistake is to type "/skript relaod" instead of "reload" Also, maybe your /spawn is not working due to there being errors on the skript, but you cant view the errors because of your troubles reloading If all of my steps dont work, try switching your server to paper 1.16.5 If that doesn't work either, try contacting the Help channel on forums, community-help on the discord, (discord.gg/minehut), or contacting formal support on minehut
  11. Hi can help with the skripting part, only for the right price Contact me on discord; Bassouli#0069
  12. Hi, I have not checked out most of the skript but already I can see a very bad practice, not only did you constantly use else, you also used "else if" with the condition that is negative to the condition you are reversing, for example on the line: ` else if {warps::%arg-1%} is set: ` You do not need to put the condition "if {warps::%arg-1%} is set:" because you are already confirming it is true by declaring else, this takes up server data, a little bit but most importantly it is a TERRIBLE practice Also, another thing, I would recommend to change your code from "else" to using stop, for example: before: ` command /createwarp <string>: permission: {@warp_create} trigger: if arg-1 is set: if {warps::%arg-1%} is not set: set {warps::%arg-1%} to location of player send "{@prefix}&a Successfully created %arg-1% warp." else if {warps::%arg-1%} is set: send "{@prefix}&c This warp already exist!" if arg-1 is not set: send "{@prefix} &cUsage: /createwarp <warp>" ` After ` command /createwarp <string>: permission: {@warp_create} trigger: if arg-1 is set: if {warps::%arg-1%} is set: send "{@prefix}&c This warp already exist!" stop set {warps::%arg-1%} to location of player send "{@prefix}&a Successfully created %arg-1% warp." stop send "{@prefix} &cUsage: /createwarp <warp>" ` As you can see, both of the code variants do the exact same thing, except one is much more cleaner, a bit practice in general, and takes less server power. Keep in mind I am not making fun of you, I just want you to improve, I am just making a note of this in case you think so. If you wish to stop using else and switch to "stop" you may contact me on my discord Bassouli#0069 and I would be happy to help you About the rest of the skript, I do not have time to see that yet so I will view it later, have a good day!
  13. Hi I would recommend posting your question on the Help channel, you may see more people there that could help you than posting here, thanks!
  14. Hello, I was thinking about making this skript for you, I was halfway complete but I had to go, please contact me on discord: Bassouli#0069 Ill see what I can do for you
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