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TheRebornChild__ last won the day on November 9 2022

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  1. No Skdragon just skbee or you can give me custom item ideas to skript or magic wand ideas!
  2. I was wondering how to make a particle line with skBee and when it hits a player or entity it deals 10 hearts. For example, on right click with a stick named “&6Basic Wand” and then you shoot a particle like and if it touches the enemy it deals 10 hearts. When I would like it: asap My plugins : SharpSK, SKrayfall, skbee, Skript, skquery.
  3. ok so like.. if you mine stone, coal, wood, diamond, iron ores, gold ores, or netherite stuff you get levels that show up when you do /level and show you how much more xp you need for the next level and every 25 levels you get a carrot
  4. Ok.. so I might be very bored and stuff so Im skripting a lot now, so don't blame me for posting 4x in a row, Lol. Heres a good Skript that might come in handy if you need staff or don't want to use discord or a book! If this helped you please follow me! and ill eat ur food at ur house hahaha jk Skript : command /apply [<text>] [<offlineplayer>]: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: if {applied.%player's uuid%} is not set: open chest inventory with 1 row named "&3&lAPPLICATION &8| &7%player%" to player add "&2- &aMust be older than 13 years old" to {_req::*} add "&2- &aMust have a discord" to {_req::*} add "&2- &aMust not have a punishment history &7(Exceptions possible)" to {_req::*} add "&2&lOTHER TERMS" to {_req::*} add "&2- &aDon't bother staff about your application" to {_req::*} add "&4&lWARNING" to {_req::*} add "&cAny joke applications will result in punishment." to {_req::*} set slot 3 of player's current inventory to paper named "&2Requirements" with lore {_req::*} set slot 5 of player's current inventory to lime glass pane named "&2Start your application..." with lore "&2Make sure to read the terms beforehand!" set {applying.%player%} to true else: send "&3&oYou already have a pending application! A reply may take up to a day at most." else if player has permission "server.admin": if arg 1 is "pending": send "&8&oYou have %size of {applications.toread::*}%&7&o applications to read." send "&2Here are the first 3 players that have applied." loop {applications.toread::*}: add 1 to {_n} if {_n} is not 4: send "&8- &2%loop-value%" else: stop loop if arg 1 is "read" or "view": if arg 2 is set: if {applications.toread::%arg 2's uuid%} is set: loop integers from 1 to 7: send "&1%loop-value%&b. &3%{application.%loop-value%.%arg 2's uuid%}%" send "&1Execute command /apply remove %arg 2%&1 to remove it from the system." else: send "&c&0This player has no pending application!" else: send "&c&0Correct Usage: /apply [Read|View] [Player]" if arg 1 is "remove": if arg 2 is set: if {applications.toread::%arg 2's uuid%} is set: delete {applications.toread::%arg 2's uuid%} loop integers from 1 to 7: delete {application.%loop-value%.%arg 2's uuid%} delete {applied.%player's uuid%} send "&3&o%arg 2%&3&o's application was deleted. You may inform them if they passed or failed." else: send "&3&oThis player has no pending application!" else: send "&3&oCorrect Usage: /apply [Read|View] [Player]" if arg 1 is not "pending" or "read" or "view" or "remove": send "&3&oCommands" send "&3- &c/apply pending" send "&3- &c/apply [Read|View] [Player]" send "&3- &c/apply remove [Player]" else: send "&3&oYou don't have permission for this!" on inventory click: if {applying.%player%} is set: cancel event if index of event-slot is 5: close player's inventory set {applied.%player's uuid%} to true send "&3Question 1 &4| &aWhat is your discord? Do you have a working mic? &7(Answer in chat)" set {applying.%player%} to 1 on chat: if {applying.%player%} is 1: cancel event set {application.1.%player's uuid%} to message send "&3Question 2 &4| &aWhy do you want to be staff on this server?" set {applying.%player%} to 2 stop if {applying.%player%} is 2: cancel event set {application.2.%player's uuid%} to message send "&3Question 3 &4| &aWhat new can you bring to the staff team? &7(Playtime, characteristic etc...)" set {applying.%player%} to 3 stop if {applying.%player%} is 3: cancel event set {application.3.%player's uuid%} to message send "&3Question 4 &4| &aDo you have any staff experience worth mentioning? Why are you no longer staff on those servers?" set {applying.%player%} to 4 stop if {applying.%player%} is 4: cancel event set {application.4.%player's uuid%} to message send "&3Question 5 &4| &aHow much playtime could you contribute per day?" set {applying.%player%} to 5 stop if {applying.%player%} is 5: cancel event set {application.5.%player's uuid%} to message send "&3Question 6 &4| &c(Scenario) &aA player is spamming chat, what do you do?" set {applying.%player%} to 6 stop if {applying.%player%} is 6: cancel event set {application.6.%player's uuid%} to message send "&3Question 6 &4| &c(Scenario) &aA player is hacking, what do you do?" send "&4&l(( Note: In this scenario, you don't have permission to ban players... ))" set {applying.%player%} to 7 stop if {applying.%player%} is 7: cancel event set {application.7.%player's uuid%} to message send "" send "&2&lDONE!" send "&aThank your for applying, a staff member should contact you in-game or on discord within 24 hours or less or sometimes more." send "" loop all players: if loop-player has permission "server.mod": send "&7" to loop-player send "&3&lAPPLICATION" to loop-player send "%player% &bhas applied." to loop-player send "&7" to loop-player set {applications.toread::%player's uuid%} to player delete {applying.%player%} stop send "&4[&c{@servername}&4] &cYou are currently reloading!" to player else: stop
  5. Give me rep or else >:) lol

  6. Hello.... Im doing this for rep, and so people can have fun and have good servers. Please give me rep! And here's the Skript! : #You may also edit this motion type example : sprinting or crouching every second in "world": loop all players: if loop-player is (Motion type): if line 1 of the lore of loop-player's tool contains "(lore)": execute console command "/effect give @p (effect) (duration) (effectiveness)"
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