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Everything posted by NotMyBestWork

  1. Notepad Author: TrueFusion Version: 3.0 Download: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/notepad-3-skript-editing-sharing-more.80182/ Dependancies - Skript - SkJade - Skent Preview Permissions skript.notepad.use skript.notepad.pastebin skript.notepad.formatting How to use TEXT - Adds line [LINE] TEXT - Sets line to text [~LINE] TEXT - Inserts line after specified line [LINE] - Deletes the line Skript Editing Using a ">" before any actual text in the notepad to insert a space. NOTE: Using a > in a note is not recommended because it will basically interrupt the careful formatting in the notepad and make it look absolutely horrible. The only reason you'd use a > in the notepad is for json formatting or for skript editing when it is turned off. Sharing Sharing is a way players can share notes to others. When you share a note with another person, it is automatically disables editing permissions. Files You can now easily edit, rename, create, upload, etc.. This new experience makes it that much easier to use the notepad. Themes and Formatting Your notepad is now easily customizable. You can use hex colors, or preset color values to change the colors that show up in the notepad. Skript File Editing BETA One of the greatest features of this update is the ability to edit Skript files. Bugs are to be expected. You can only add Skript files to players by executing a command in the console. How to use /notepad skript add (player) (directory) Example /notepad skript add TrueFusion plugins/skript/scripts/test.sk More... There's a lot I included in this update that I am really excited about. I hope you enjoy the notepad.
  2. What do you think is the most famous Minehut plugin (besides Skript) and why? Example: LuckPerms because it is a very good permissions plugin and is easy to use.
  3. ThatPacketAddon allows players to intercept and read packets. An example would be disabling sending any messages to a player deafening them completely, not even plugin messages. on packet PacketPlayOutChat: if {Deafen::%event-player's uuid%} is true: cancel event It would be really great to have because it would open a lot of opportunities to players. The plugin download is https://forums.skunity.com/resources/thatpacketaddon.847/
  4. What happens is that there is a plugin trying to stop hackers or anyone trying to lag the server find that plugin and delete it, trust me I have my own, and it was terrible when I had it.
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