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  1. here is the /warp script that i made. if you use it in your server no need to give credit. options: nowarpmsg: &3The %arg-2% warp doesnt exist yet! # the message that will come up when a warp doesnt exist permmsg: &3You do not have permission to run this command. # the permission message command /warp [<text>] [<text>]: aliases:w usage: &c/warp [list/create/remove/tp/clear/movehere] [warp name] trigger: if arg-1 is "help": if player has permission "warp.help": send "&b&lWarps Help" send "&3/warp list" send "&3/warp create (name)" send "&3/warp remove (name)" send "&3/warp teleport (name)" send "&3/warp clear (all/list)" send "&3/warp movehere (name)" else: send "{@permmsg}" if arg-1 is "list": if player has permission "warp.list": if {wlist::*} is set: send "&b&lWARPS LIST" send "&3%{wlist::*}%." else: send "&b&lWAPRS LIST" send "&3no warps yet, create some with /warp create (name)." else: send "{@permmsg}" if arg-1 is "create": if arg-2 is set: if player has permission "warp.create": if {w::%arg-2%} is not set: set {w::%arg-2%} to player's location add arg-2 to {wlist::*} send "&3Created warp %arg-2% at %{w::%arg-2%}%." else: send "&3The %arg-2% warp already exists!" else: send "{@permmsg}" if arg-1 is "teleport" or "tp": if arg-2 is set: if player has permission "warp.teleport": if {w::%arg-2%} is set: teleport player to {w::%arg-2%} send "&3Teleported you to the %arg-2% warp." else: send "{@nowarpmsg}" else: send "{@permmsg}" if arg-1 is "delete" or "remove": if arg-2 is set: if player has permission "warp.remove": if {w::%arg-2%} is set: delete {w::%arg-2%} remove arg-2 from {wlist::*} send "&3Succesfully removed the %arg-2% warp." else: send "{@nowarpmsg}" else: send "{@permmsg}" if arg-1 is "clear": if player has permission "warp.clear": if arg-2 is "all": delete {w::*} delete {wlist::*} send "&3Deleted all warps" if arg-2 is "list": delete {wlist::*} send "&3Deleted the warp list" else: send "{@permmsg}" if arg-1 is "movehere": if arg-2 is set: if player has permission "warp.movehere": if {w::%arg-2%} is set: set {w::%arg-2%} to player's location send "&3Moved the %arg-2% warp to %{w::%arg-2%}%." else: send "{@nowarpmsg}" else: send "{@permmsg}" the permissions are: warp.help shows the help list warp.list shows the warps list warp.create can create a warp warp.remove can remove warps warp.teleport can teleport to warps warp.movehere can move warps warp.clear can clear all warps it works i tested it
  2. here is a /warn script that i made, hope u like it. if u do use this in ur server u dont need to give credit command /warn <offlineplayer> [<text>]: permission: skript.warn trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: add 1 to {warn::%arg-1's uuid%} broadcast "&4&lWARNING! &c&l%arg-1% &cgot warned for &c&l%arg-2%! &8&l[&4&l%{warn::%arg-1's uuid%}%&8&l]" send "" to arg-1 send "&4&lWARNING! &cYou have been warned for %arg-2%. Remember that 3 warns is a 1 hour temp ban" to arg-1 send "" to arg-1 command /warns <offlineplayer>: permission: skript.warnsveiw trigger: if arg-1 is set: send "&4&l%arg-1%'s &cwarn count is currently &4&l%{warn::%arg-1's uuid%}%." send "&cRemember that if a player has 3 or more warns, tempban them for 1 hour to keep the server running smoothly." command /clearwarns <offlineplayer>: permission: skript.clearwarns trigger: if arg-1 is set: send "&cCleared %arg-1%'s warn count of %{warn::%arg-1's uuid%}%." set {warn::%arg-1's uuid%} to 0
  3. i figured it out u just have to force hibernate it and then restart it
  4. whenever i try to connect to my server it doesnt let me. on the minehut panel it says downloading and idk how to start it again. my server is in 1.17.
  5. when i try to do /papi ecloud download killstats and it says its downloaded then i do ./papi reload and then its not in the downloaded list
  6. im trying to clear all ofline players inventory but idk how to do it. please answer quickly this is an emergency the ppl are mad at me.
  7. i want to add someone to a team when they first join the game using the vanilla teams feature but idk how to do it
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