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Everything posted by D4isDAVID

  1. Your indentation is wrong. Skript is creating more than 1 hologram since the loop happens more than once. Here are a few tutorials that can help you with indentation just in case: https://skripthub.net/tutorials/33 https://forums.skunity.com/wiki/indentation/
  2. i don't think that hiding flags is possible with vanilla skript. it would require the SkBee addon both for doing this and for adding nbt to the item give item named "name" with lore "lore" with all flags hidden to player
  3. command /hug <player>: trigger: if arg is player: send "&cYou cannot hug yourself!" else: broadcast "&6%player%&f hugged &6%arg%"
  4. the problem is probably mostly with "&#808080&lDaily Crate Key", since Skript uses the # (hashtag) character for comments, meaning anything after that character will not be parsed. use ## (double hashtags) instead to bypass that. there are also other errors here. try using this condition: if player's tool is tripwire hook named "<##808080>&lDaily Crate Key":
  5. D4isDAVID


    every 5 minutes: send "&b--------------------" to all players send "" to all players send formatted "&eMake sure to join our Discord! <link:https://discord.gg/InviteLink>&b&n&lClick Here&r &eto join." to all players send "" to all players send "&b--------------------" to all players There is a documentation on how make text clickable, etc. https://skriptlang.github.io/Skript/text.html
  6. on death: victim is a player add 1 to {deaths::%victim%} attacker is a player add 1 to {kills::%attacker%}
  7. on level up: if player's level is 5, 7, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28 or 30: give player paper named "&6Level Up Token" player's level is 30 set player's level to 0
  8. Maybe try using on world change, and use variables to detect if the player was in that world before.
  9. Allows you to display your items in the chat. Just type [hand] or any other keywords and your items will be displayed in the chat. ChatItem.sk Requirements Skript (Latest) SkBee (Latest) Features Supports multiple keywords: [hand], [item], [i] [offhand] [helmet], [helm], [cap], [head] [chestplate], [tunic], [chest] [leggings], [pants], [legs] [boots], [feet] Works with any chat format Supports up to 6 items in a single message Customize how the item name will look in chat Prevent the player from typing the same keyword multiple times. Example: Check out my new [helmet][helmet][helmet] ≫ Check out my new [helmet] Script (75 Lines)
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