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Everything posted by TKChino

  1. Oh, duh, yeah forgot people need know what i actually want lol. Its a leveling / prestige skript kinda, not really as you can see. Ill check that function tut you sent though tomoz and see if i understand a little more
  2. Anyone able to help at all, still struggling
  3. Iv used it once, i saw a method of using it i incorporated it and it worked with making enchants. My proglem is i dont thinki learnt anything from it to be honest. function newCost(i: integer, l: integer) :: number: # i = cost for first level, l = current level return {_i} * ({_l}^2 / 2 + 1) function getLevelNeed(level: number, pres: number) :: number: return (5*{_pres})+10 function checkLevel(p: player): if {level::%{_p}%} >= getLevelNeed({level::%{_p}%}, {prestige::%{_p}%}): remove getLevelNeed({level::%{_p}%}, {prestige::%{_p}%}) from {level::%{_p}%} prestige({_p}) function sendMessage(p: player, mode: text, message: text, message2: text): if {_mode} is "Title": send title {_message} with subtitle {_message2} to {_p} else if {_mode} is "Actionbar": send action bar "%{_message}% &8| %{_message2}%" to {_p} else if {_mode} is "Chat": send "%{_message}% &8| %{_message2}%" to {_p} function prestige(p: player): add 1 to {prestige::%{_p}%} sendMessage({_p}, {toggle::%{_p}%::msgs}, "PRESTIGE","%{prestige::%{_p}%}-1% &7&l▶ %{prestige::%{_p}%}%") This is the function i feel would be able to be used, but i dont know how to stick it into an actual command. So right now im using command /levelup: trigger: set {lvlprice::%player's uuid%} to {@levelUp} set {_needed} to {lvl::%player's uuid%} * {lvlprice::%player's uuid%} if balance of player >= {_needed}: if {lvl::%player's uuid%} < 100: add 1 to {lvl::%player's uuid%} remove {_needed} from balance of player send player title "&c&lLEVEL UP!" with subtitle "&l+1 Level" for 2 seconds else: send "Your 100" to player else: if balance of player <= {_needed}: send "&a&lYou need &6&lⓉ%{_needed}% &a&lto level up!" to player The basic side of command to trigger works, but i want to use the functions instead, any help and guideance would be be greatful useful
  4. On that one i want it to start as stone, change to cobble, then to bedrock, then back to its starting block (again dont think it works poperly because the placed cobble changes to stone in the end too lol) Same when i do coal, it always ends back as stone no matter what, unless i do what you said, stone - bedrock back to stone again, or coal bedrock back to coal again.
  5. Thanks, i was sure i was in skript discussions to begin with when making it, as i was looking for help before posting incase someone had already said something like this.
  6. New to skripting, really new. Read through guides and things to help me understand it a little better, but need major help lol. Been playing around with skript a little which you will see in both the codes i put in. I can turn cobblestone to bedrock and back again. Not a problem. on break: if player's world is "ul_RPGWorld": if event-block is cobblestone: chance of 5%: give 2 cobblestone to player if event-block is cobblestone: clear drops give 1 xp to player give 1 of event-block to player set event-block to bedrock wait 10 seconds set event-block to cobblestone I can make stone turn to cobble then to bedrock and back to stone. Not a problem, but i dont think it works like i think it does. on break: if event-block is stone: set event-block to cobblestone wait 60 ticks set event-block to stone on break: if event-block is cobblestone: set event-block to bedrock wait 60 ticks set event-block to stone The problem is the block i mined first doesnt go back to what it was to begin with, so if it was cobble to begin with once i mine it it turns to stone instead of cobblestone again. Now when i do the same thing with coal ore, it sets back to either stone or cobblestone never back to coal ore. What am i doing wrong on it if you can help me out?
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