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Everything posted by DependencyJr

  1. You can do that with a permissions plugin like pex or luckperms, both are a great option whichever you choose to use, here’s a tutorial to get your started on both **__Creating ranks with LuckPerms__** Please watch this tutorial on the Minehut Youtube to learn how to create ranks with LuckPerms (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FU_tK-zYYb4) **Ranks with PermissionsEX** Ensure that you have `Vault` and `Essentials Chat` as well as `PermissionsEX` installed first. To create ranks you will need the `permissions.*` permission, to get this go to console and type `/pex user (your name) add permissions.*` Once you have that permission you can begin to make ranks, start by executing the command `/pex group (rank) create` to create the rank. Then to add a permission do `/pex group (rank) add (permission node)` To remove the permission do `/pex group (rank) remove (permission node)` To add a prefix/suffix to the rank do `/pex group (rank) prefix/suffix set (prefix or suffix)` To add a player to the rank type `/pex user (user) group set (rank)` **NOTE** For permission nodes you can often find them by typing in `(plugin) permission nodes` into google
  2. DependencyJr


    You can get a backup of your server by following these steps **How to Download a World from your Server** Command: **/dl world (world name)** Simply type the command in-game and insert the world name where it states to above. If you don’t know the world name, you can figure that out by using the **/worlds** command (requires op) in-game. Still a bit confused? Check out this video that also explains how to download your world! Note: Minehut’s downloading service is having some issues currently, so it may take a few tries before you are able to download the world
  3. If you’re unable to disconnect your discord account, consider contacting support and they can help you out If you’d like to read the Minehut Support FAQ or contact support you can visit this link: https://minehut.com/app/support
  4. You can download a world by following these instructions **How to Download a World from your Server** Command: **/dl world (world name)** Simply type the command in-game and insert the world name where it states to above. If you don’t know the world name, you can figure that out by using the **/worlds** command (requires op) in-game. Still a bit confused? Check out this video that also explains how to download your world! Hope this helps you out! Sorry about the late response
  5. You can make a skript to override the current /rules if you wish, something like this should help get you started command /rules: trigger: send "rule: don’t spam"
  6. DependencyJr

    Other mods

    Though, you can suggest plugins to be added in the plugins section of the forums!
  7. Hello, if I’m not to be mistaken, you can edit the rules in /rules in the essentials config file. To do so, go to the file manager > plugins > essentials > and then to config.yml. Hope this helps!
  8. DependencyJr

    A Few Questions..

    You can create groups with a plugin like Permission**** or LuckPerms for each of the ranks, and then move then into that group when you do /rank. Here's an example of what I mean if arg-1 is "default": set {playerrank.%arg-1%} to "default" send "&3You have set &b%player%&b's &3rank to &bDefault" make console execute the command "/sudo %arg-1% tablist" console command "pex user %arg-1% group set default" I added a console command to add the player to the rank at the end, now all you have to do is set up ranks with a permissions plugin
  9. DependencyJr

    A Few Questions..

    Hey there, can you send over the skript regarding your first question, I’m having a bit of trouble understanding exactly what you mean. As for your second question, yes, every 2 minutes: would work. You could do something like this every 2 minutes: broadcast " " broadcast "Message" broadcast " "
  10. Hey there! I’m assuming you’re referring to the skript events on region enter: and on region exit: they should be working, so let’s make you have the plugin world guard installed first, come back if that doesn’t work!
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