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Everything posted by agagagagagagagagag

  1. MythicSkriptAddon is a good plugin to have, as it adds MythicMobs support to skript. I've always wanted to do events with mythic mobs in skript, but haven't found a way. Plugin Link: https://github.com/BerndiVader/MythicSkriptAddon
  2. This is skript releases, not skript disscusion. Post in Skript Discussion next time Also, skellet has a disguise/undisguise effect. https://skripthub.net/docs/ Read the docs
  3. So, I am currently making a tool that with 1hko if you attack whilst you are behind a player. How do I check if the attack/damage came from behind? I've tried using the direction expression, but that doesn't work.
  4. im starting to think it is physically impossible to do this lol
  5. ok so I have this: command /upgrade: permission: tester trigger: set {_0} to lore of player's tool set {_1::*} to split {_0} at "||" set {_0} to size of {_1::*} if line {_0} is "&f&lCOMMON": set line {_0} of lore of player's tool to "&a&l&kA &r&a&lUNCOMMON &r&a&l&kA" No errors, nothing. Just doesn't change the line of lore.
  6. Doesn't work, says "The last line of the lore player's tool is <none>" I am holding a tool with multiple lines of lore.
  7. no, just the last line of lore. If I had an item with 5 lines of lore, I just want to get the 5th (last) line of lore. That is all of the lore.
  8. Is there any way to get the last line of lore on an item? tried a lot of things, checked docs, all answers require a newer version of skript... Any solutions you guys know?
  9. They use a custom version of skquery they modded.... They most likely will not update it until another MC version is released
  10. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  11. True, wish it was added though
  12. Sk-Yaml should be added, because it makes it easier to configure skripts or make easier for people to use. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skript-yaml.49829/
  13. saw this exact skript on a video a while back, still good tho
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