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Everything posted by BOXEY

  1. BOXEY


    use the event on any movement: it needs skQuery to work
  2. do you mean like a /home command and a /back command in one skript or something else?
  3. BOXEY

    hopper speed

    i set it to one thanks
  4. BOXEY

    hopper speed

    what number to i change to make it faster
  5. BOXEY

    hopper speed

    is there any why to make hopper transfers faster via skript because I don't know how to make it faster via the spigot.yml
  6. BOXEY


    help code set {_b} to event-block wait 5 ticks play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player remove 1 blaze rod from player set block to lightning rod set {_loc} to location of event-block wait 10 ticks play mob spawner flames at the targeted block to the player play mob spawner flames at block above {_loc} to the player set block above {_loc} to lightning rod set block to stripped dark oak log wait 10 ticks play mob spawner flames at block above {_loc} to the player play mob spawner flames at block 2 above {_loc} to the player set block 2 above {_loc} to lightning rod set block above {_loc} to stripped dark oak log wait 5 ticks set block to {_b} the original block is not going back to the block before it was replaced so if it was placed on sand it will spawn the totem then the block below goes back to sand and it wont go back to sand
  7. i made a skript that give the player a elytra till they land and it will give them there last chestplate back Code on walk on diamond block: if player's facing is east: if player is in world "castle-spawn": push player forward at speed 1 push player up at speed 25 set {lastchest.%player%} to player's chestplate wait 1 second set player's chestplate to elytra wait 2 seconds set {elytra.%player%} to true on any movement: if {elytra.%player%} is set: if block below player is not air: remove elytra from player set player's chestplate to {lastchest.%player%} delete {elytra.%player%} Video on next page Video of it 2021-10-18 18-53-55.mp4
  8. i made a skript that makes a new world every 30 min for players to gather things Needs: Multiverse, Skript, and probably some others here's the code function NewWorld(p: player): execute console command "/mv create Resource normal" set {Resourceworld} to true wait 2 seconds teleport {_p} to spawn of world("Resource") function DeleteWorld(): delete {Resourceworld} execute console command "/mv delete Resource" wait 2 ticks execute console command "/mv confirm" broadcast "&3&lResorce &8|&7 Resource world reseting" command ResourceWorld [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if {Resourceworld} is set: teleport player to spawn of world("Resource") else: DeleteWorld() wait 2 seconds NewWorld(player) else if arg-1 is set: if player has permission "op": if arg-1 is "Reset": loop all players: if loop-player's world is "Resource": teleport player to {spawm} DeleteWorld() wait 2 seconds NewWorld(player) if arg-1 is "Delete": loop all players: if loop-player's world is "Resource": teleport player to {spawm} DeleteWorld() else: send "&3&lCore &8| &7(Reset or Delete)" else: send "&3&lCore &8| &7Cant do this!" options: resettimer: 30 minutes every {@resettimer}: DeleteWorld()
  9. BOXEY


    help me plz code teleport player to the spawn of world("spawn", facing west) how can i fix it so that the player faces west and nor the normal direction
  10. here you go this is what i came up with what off you said. If it need any thing changed let me know options: p: &3&lLocation &8| &7 command /location <player>: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: set {_loc} to player's location set {_w} to player's world send "{@p}You are at &c%{_loc}%&7 in world '&c%{_w}%&7'" else: set {_loc} to arg-1's location set {_w} to arg-1's world send "{@p}%arg-1%&7 is at &c%{_loc}%&7 in world '&c%{_w}%&7'"
  11. is there a way to run a command after a loop
  12. any1 know how to make the fishing speed (time to catch a fish) with no enchants?
  13. can you explain what the server is all about and the main mechanics of it
  14. I made a skript or pvp server so you can tag a player and "track" them were ever they go skript: function Tag(v: player): send "&3&lTag&8 | &7You got taged" to {_v} apply potion of glowing to {_v} for 15 second on damage: if attacker is player: if victim is player: if attacker is holding a stick named "&3&lTag": remove 1 stick named "&3&lTag" from attacker Tag(victim) command gettag: permission: tag.give trigger: add stick named "&3&lTag" to player yea
  15. i had no idea how to do this but i knew someone else was doing this and after some looking i found it new new skript new one - Pastebin.com
  16. yea here you go i put it in a pastebin because it is kind of long Prestige Skript - Pastebin.com i added the prestige <amount> on to the original command so make it a little be easier and i can always add a perm to it
  17. fix command /sell: trigger: set {_prismarine} to amount of prismarine in player's inventory add {_prismarine}*50000 to player's balance set {_t} to {_prismarine}*50000 send "You've sold %{_prismarine}% prismarine for %{_t}%$" remove all prismarine from player's inventory
  18. here you go! options: p: &c&lPrestige &7 command /prestige: trigger: if player's balance is more than or equal to 100000: remove 100000 from player's balance add 1 to {p.%player%} send "{@p}You have prestiged" chance of 10%: make console execute command "/" send "{@p}You have got a key" else: send "{@p}You need 100k to do this" on chat: if {p.%player%} is not set: set {p.%player%} to 0 set the chat format to "&7[&c%{p.%player%}%&7] %player's prefix%%player% &8>>&7 %message%" else: set the chat format to "&7[&c%{p.%player%}%&7] %player's prefix%%player% &8>>&7 %message%" #can remove on join: if {joins::*} does not contain uuid of player: add uuid of player to {joins::*} set {p.%player%} to 0 command resetjoinslist: permission: reset.joins trigger: delete {joins::*}
  19. hello I spent to day coding a life's skript basically when you die via a player you lose one life and they get one life and when you run out of life's you get banned for a set time here is full skript Life Skript - Pastebin.com (kinda hard coded )
  20. hello i am making a life skript rn and need to know how to stop the player from drop the life counter in there inventory on death: if victim is a player: loop victim's inventory: if loop-value is totem of undying named "&3&lLife&8 | &7%{life.%victim%}%": set loop-slot to air that's my code rn
  21. BOXEY


    I'm trying to upload a world rn and because /world was a paid plugin now I can even load a world and is doesn't show up in multiverse
  22. BOXEY

    remove lore

    i am making a shop skript and am trying to make this as small as possible and i just need to know how to remove the lore off the clicked item on inventory click: if inventory name of current inventory of player = "&3&lShop &8|&7 Tools": if event-slot is not 0: if {g.%uuid of player%} is more than or equal to 150: set {_i} to event-item add {_i} to player remove 150 from {g.%uuid of player%} make player execute command "/shop tools" send "&7[&c-&7] $150" (I tried to add the lore as "&7 " and it worked but it does not look like a plan item)
  23. it is because you put it after the else so it did not think of it as part of the command so you just need to move the else to the end of the command command /kit [<text>]: trigger: if player's world is "ul_void_world_1": if arg 1 is "starter": message "&7&lStarter &7kit selected!" give 1 stone sword of unbreaking 3, sharpness 1 named "&7&lStarter Sword" to player give 16 steak to player give 3 golden apple to player give 1 enchanted golden apple to player equip player with chainmail Helmet of unbreaking 3, protection 1 named "&7&lStarter Helmet" equip player with chainmail ChestPlate of unbreaking 3, protection 1 named "&7&lStarter ChestPlate" equip player with chainmail Leggings of unbreaking 3, protection 1 named "&7&lStarter Leggings" equip player with chainmail Boots of unbreaking 3, protection 1 named "&7&lStarter boots" if arg 1 is "pro": message "&b&lPro &7kit selected!" give 1 iron sword of unbreaking 3, sharpness 2 named "&b&lPro Sword" to player give 36 steak to player give 6 golden apple to player give 2 enchanted golden apple to player equip player with leather Helmet of unbreaking 3, protection 1 named "&b&lPro Helmet" equip player with diamond ChestPlate of unbreaking 3 named "&b&lPro ChestPlate" equip player with iron Leggings of unbreaking 3, protection 1 named "&b&lPro Leggings" equip player with leather Boots of unbreaking 3, protection 1 named "&b&lPro boots" else: send "&4&lVelvetSurv>> &c&lYou are not in KitPvP" stop
  24. this worked for me command unbreakable: permission: cantbreak.use trigger: set {_i} to held item of player remove held item from player wait 5 ticks add unbreakable {_i} to player
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