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Everything posted by iiFlameYT

  1. 2 players in an arena so no one can interrupt their 1v1, im making a sumo skript
  2. I'm making a practice type of server, Is it possible to skript smth like when there are 2 players in a place they get teleported to another arena? the place can only be joined by players anyway...
  3. can u thank the post :v i need some reputations here
  4. 2020 GO BRR put it in this
  5. Variables: {playerrank.%player%} = "default" command /promote [<player>]: permission: op trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cSpecify a player..." else: set {playerrank. %arg-1%} to "mod" send "&aYou have been promoted to &eMod" to arg-1 send "&aYou have Promoted &6%arg-1%" to player command /demote [<player>] [<text>]: permission: op trigger: if arg-2 is not set: send "&cYou have been demoted by &6%player%" to arg-1 send "&6%arg-1%&a Was successfuly demoted." to player if arg-1 is not set: send "&cSpecify a player..." else: set {playerrank. %arg-1%} to "default" else: set {playerrank. %arg-1%} to "default" send "&cYou have been demoted by &6%player% &cfor &7&l%arg-2%" to arg-1 send "&6%arg-1%&a Was successfuly demoted for &7&l%arg-2%" to player on chat: if {playerrank. %player%} = "Mod": set the chat format to "&0[&eMod&0]&f %player%: %message%" on chat: if {playerrank. %player%} = "default": set the chat format to "&0[&7Default&0]&f %player%: %message%" Hey, please thank me on the post dw it works perfectly
  6. sorry im not quite good on posting :v
  7. what are the types that you know
  8. on rightclick with paper: if name of tool of player is "THE GROUP YOU WANT TO GIVE": execute console command "/lp user %player% parent set <group>" remove paper from player DONT FORGET TO RENAME THE PAPER TO THE CERTAIN GROUP YOU WANT Example: Fighter: "if name of tool of player is "Fighter"" reply to me if ur facing a problem
  9. Hello, i've been making lots of types of server recently (skymining - fishing - kitpvp - minigames) And it didnt go very well, im kinda mad cuz i worked really hard on there, now they're gone, i have an MH20 Dead Server and i don't know what to make on it... can someone list what minehut players love to play? so i can make it? please..
  10. command /f: permission: op trigger: make all players say "f" hf using it
  11. i know essentials has one but this one is easier :v command /sudo <player> <text>: permission: op trigger: make arg-1 say "%arg-2%" have fun using it
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