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Th3_Mast3r_Jedi's Achievements


Lurker (1/6)



  1. Sorry if that seems a bit confusing, i am tired lol
  2. Hi, I want to have a server that has the minecraft msg system and not the minehut or essentials msg system. I want the command to still be /msg but is there a way that I can make it work that way? I know there is a command named /minecraft:msg but i just want my players to only have to do /msg with the minecraft system and minehut is kinda ruining that part. any help?
  3. Does anyone know if there will be different Forge Versions other than 1.12.2 and 1.8.8? I want to play mods with my friends but the mods I found was either 1.7.10 or 1.16.5.
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