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Posts posted by Skray

  1. Hi can I have help? This doesn't update when i kill / die

    on join:
        while player is online:
            set title of player's board to "Server"
            set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "Kills: %{kills::player's uuid}%"
            set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "Deaths: %{deaths::player's uuid}%"
            wait 2 seconds
    on death:
        if attacker is a player:
            add 1 to {kills::%attacker's uuid%}
            broadcast "Kill"
        if victim is a player:
            broadcast "death"
            add 1 to {deaths::%victim's uuid%}


  2. 21 hours ago, SoloStrafe said:
    command /name <text>:
        	set name of player's held item to arg-1
    command /lore <text>:
        	set lore of player's held item to arg-1

    I don't really know how to make the player's held item to be unbreakable but those two should work for the name and lore. However it is still untested.

    Can I make it work with colors?

  3. Command /rankup
        if player's {group} is stone
          if player's inventory contains 5 stone named "Compressed Stone"
            execute command /pex user %player% group set iron
            delete 5 stone named "Compressed Stone" from player's inventory
          send "You can't afford that"
          if player's {group} is iron
            if player's inventory contains 5 iron block named "Compressed Iron"
              delete 5 iron block named "Compressed Iron" from player's inventory
              execute command /pet user %player% group set diamond
              send "You can't afford that"
            send "You are on the max level"


    (For the ranks I am using Permission Ex)

    (Other plugins I use: Skript, Skbee, Tuske, Vault)

  4. 22 minutes ago, Thedukc said:
    on mine:
      add 1 to {blocksmined::%player's uuid%}
      add 1 to {serverblocks}

    {serverblocks} would be all blocks mined by the whole server.

    {blocksmined::%player's uuid%} would be all blocks mined by the player and not the server.

    Thanks! What's the difference between:

    On mine:


    On break:
  5. On 5/16/2021 at 1:00 AM, Slap said:

    I am Skripting/Developing for others!


    High Quality, Lag-Free Skripts

    2+ Years Experience

    Previously developed for 3 servers averaging 30 - 50 players, which each generated $600+ income

    Short skripts (<30 lines) FREE

    Larger Skripts will have affordable pricing

    Customers so far: 2


    DM me on discord for more info: Slap#7965
    Or join the discord: https://discord.gg/3kGbhVBU5a

    I don't have discord. But I would need a like a lether armor, that if you wear it you get more hearts. 😄

  6. 8 hours ago, SoloStrafe said:
    command /name <text>:
        	set name of player's held item to arg-1
    command /lore <text>:
        	set lore of player's held item to arg-1

    I don't really know how to make the player's held item to be unbreakable but those two should work for the name and lore. However it is still untested.

    Do you think this would work? Also does the other commands only work for items, or do they work for tools too?

    Command /unbreakable:
      add unbreakable to player's held item


  7. I need help with 3 scripts

    Command /name <text>
      permission: op
        name player's hold item <text>
    Command /lore <text>
      permission: op
        lore player's hold item <text>
    Command /unbreakable
      permission: op
         make player's hold item unbreakable
  8. 11 minutes ago, Thedukc said:

    This script simply wouldn't work. I've made you 2 a scripts  that should work. If none of them fit your question reply and I'll try again :).


    #First one

        Blacklist: Stone and Iron ore


    On break:
        if {@Blacklist} contains event-block:
            cancel event


    #Second one

        Blacklist: Stone and Iron ore

    On break:
        if {@Blacklist} contains event-block:
            cancel event


    Ps: I'm not the greatest scripter and i never will but this is the simplest way that I found to do this. 

     Hope this helps!


    Thank you! The second one was what I needed! Thanks so much! 😄

  9. 3 minutes ago, Thedukc said:

    Yes if the spacing is good it should break the stone give you cobble stone and then make it bedrock for 30 seconds then turn it back to stone same with coal. 

    Okay thanks!

    But would this part work: 


    Blacklist: Stone, Iron ore


    On break:

       If not {blacklist} contains event-block

         cancel event

  10. 1 minute ago, Thedukc said:

    Yes it will reappear without anything happening. 

    Oh, okay! Thanks! Do you think this would work?


    Blacklist: Stone, Iron ore


    On break:

       If not {blacklist} contains event-block

         cancel event


    on break coal ore:  

     player's world = "world":    

    if gamemode of player is survival:      

     wait 3 ticks

           set event-block to bedrock

           wait 30 seconds

           set event-block to coal ore              



    on break stone:  

     player's world = "world":    

    if gamemode of player is survival:      

     wait 3 ticks

           set event-block to bedrock

           wait 30 seconds

           set event-block to stone          

  11. 6 minutes ago, Thedukc said:

    No it cancel's the event of the action. If you break something or place something it will make it so it's like it never happened. You can also uncancel events.


    So if you break a stone block it will just reaper?

  12. 2 hours ago, Thedukc said:

    Ok but what happens to the block that are on the list I'm confused at the point of the script? The script you made just makes it so you can't mine anything. Also I found errors in you're script.


    Here's the corrected version:

    on break:
        if event-block is coal ore or iron ore or diamond ore or emerald ore or stone
            cancel event
            clear the drops
            set event-block to event-block
            send "You can't mine that"    

    Or wait, what does "cancel event" means? Does that mean that the block wont get destroyed?

  13. 2 hours ago, Thedukc said:

    Ok but what happens to the block that are on the list I'm confused at the point of the script? The script you made just makes it so you can't mine anything. Also I found errors in you're script.


    Here's the corrected version:

    on break:
        if event-block is coal ore or iron ore or diamond ore or emerald ore or stone
            cancel event
            clear the drops
            set event-block to event-block
            send "You can't mine that"    

    Here is what gonna happen:

    on break stone:    

    if gamemode of player is survival:        

    wait 3 ticks        

    set event-block to bedrock        

    wait 30 seconds        

    set event-block to stone             

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