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Everything posted by edwardplayz

  1. It Stays Hibernating, Please Fix This Issue or I will find a Better Host than Minehut.
  3. I installed the Among Us map by Phoenix SC. How do I delete maps and Resource Packs? Whenever I load the game, The world is completely messed up, and The Resoucepacks are Default. I NEED Faithful 1.16. So please Help. If no one is of any help, I will Leave This Server Host, F O R E V E R
  4. Most recent one was For Afk And I allow afk in the server as long as you have /afk in your Permissions. The server is Edbackup. and if you go afk it happens sometimes too. Please Minehut remove this Annoying Bot.
  5. I dont have proof of course I dont. I did not even know it happened until I went on my server a few weeks ago. now this was not helpful.



  6. first of all he broke the rule of trying to ddos the entirety of minehut. second of all he spammed tnt on one of my servers whitch is edfactions but it is offline and im on villagesu whutch is my other server.
  7. and then he said he was going to ddos my server whitch means he was going to shut down minehut for good. but he was jokeing when i woke up and msged his sister
  8. ok i understand that i game his sister my minehut server consle
  9. this users minecraft username is lzxf and he is trying to ddos me
  10. the lobby is muted and is broken
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