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Everything posted by AHelpingCandy

  1. Yeah It was easy to make of course but still I didn't know If It was needed
  2. command /spectator: trigger: if {spectator::%player's uuid%} = true: set {spectator::%player's uuid%} to false send "&c&l[!] &n&cSuccessfully disabled spectator mode." set player's gamemode to survival else: set {spectator::%player's uuid%} to true send "&2&l[!] &n&2Successfully enabled spectator mode." set player's gamemode to spectator command /gm <text>: trigger: if player has permission "gm.use": if arg-1 is "1": set player's gamemode to creative else if arg-1 is not set: set player's gamemode to survival
  3. obvShadow ik it's too late but still lol
  4. I wanted to make sure that people with the following; badlion, blazingpack, lunar, and more wouldn't be able to scroll up etc,
  5. AHelpingCandy


    Why tf would you cry about losing your mc and discord account... ;-;
  6. They... put examples just look into it.
  7. Hello! So I made this because yeah I was bored! I hope you enjoy! command /clearchat: aliases: /cc, /chatc, /clearc trigger: clearChat(player) wait 5 tick broadcast "&7(&c!&7) &6Chat Has Been Cleared By %player%" Function clearChat(p: player): loop 5000 times: broadcast "" This is my first time using functions! Sorry if it doesn't work :C
  8. Hello! So today I made a staff chat skript because I felt like it, enjoy! options: permission: sc.use pdn: %player's display name% pm: &7(&c!&7) &cYou don't have enough permissions you need {@permission} to use staff chat. prefix: &7[&6STAFFCHAT&7] &8» command /staffchat [<text>]: aliases: /sc, /schat, /staffc permission: {@permission} permission message: {@pm} trigger: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "{@permission}": send "{@prefix} {@pdn} » %arg-1%" to loop-player
  9. options: min.x: -250 #DO NOT TOUCH! max.x: 250 #DO NOT TOUCH! min.z: -250 #DO NOT TOUCH! max.z: 250 #DO NOT TOUCH! avoid: air or water block or lava block or stone block or sandstone block or mossy cobblestone block or dirt block perm: sparx.wild #CHANGE TO YOUR PERMISSION! cooldown: 1 second #CHANGE TO YOUR COOLDOWN! (Formats: second/s, minute/s, hour/s, day/s) Command /wild: permission: {@perm} trigger: set {_waited} to difference between {wild.%player%.lastused} and now if {_waited} is less than {@cooldown}: message "&7(&6!&7) &eYou must wait &6%difference between {@cooldown} and {_waited}% &ebefore using this command again." stop send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting to the Wilderness." to player send "&7(&6&lREMINDER&r&7) &6PvP &eis allowed in this area!" to player wait 1 tick send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 3 Seconds." wait 1 second send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 2 Seconds." wait 1 second send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 1 Second." wait 2 second apply blindness 100 to player for 6 seconds wait 1 tick set {_loc::old} to player's location while player's location is {_loc::old}: set {_loc::new} to location at random number between {@min.x} and {@max.x}, 0, random number between {@min.z} and {@max.z} loop blocks above {_loc::new}: if loop-block and block above loop-block are air: if block under loop-block is not {@avoid}: set {_loc::new} to location of loop-block teleport player to {_loc::new} stop loop wait 10 ticks set {wild.%player%.lastused} to now
  10. on walk on cobblestone: chance of 5%: loop blocks in radius 5 around player: if loop-block is air: if block above loop-block is air: add loop-block's location to {_locs::*} set {_loc} to random element of {_locs::*} spawn a zombie at {_loc}
  11. on hack: cancel event (This is a joke)
  12. Try facing that loocation you want to face and then try redoing the command you were previously executing.
  13. Facts but that's my friends skript and we used that for a server and I wanted to share those I made.
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