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AHelpingCandy last won the day on August 31 2023

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About AHelpingCandy

  • Birthday 01/18/2004

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  1. im bored give me skripts to make for u, all it costs is a like!
  2. Quite bored. I would like to create free skripts that you guys can use when you'd like too.
  3. As stated above, try to use more variables & options but seems to be good besides some spelling errors.
  4. Wow, thanks. It might be useful if you are playing survival with friends and you need to rename stuff.
  5. A skript where you do /wardrobe and it opens a gui where you can select between Iron armour, gold, diamond, netherite Make it so when you click on a Iron ingot you get full iron & when a gold ingot you get full gold armour, etc.
  6. GG. Every minehut forum poster should be proud! how long did it take?
  7. Things to check for: Is the server active when you do /join (name). Did you spell the name of the server correctly? Try multiple times, It may be that the server hasn't really loaded in and it takes time for new servers to activate.
  8. Hello, this problem has been taken place before. Try this website to see if you find your solution, if you do leave a like, Thanks https://forums.minehut.com/topic/21182-an-internal-error-occured-while-attempting-to-perform-this-command-please-help/
  9. Also, To use resource packs, go to your Minecraft Multiplayer Server list. For the server minehut.com, click Edit Server. From here you can set the resource pack option to enabled, disabled, or prompt. Enabled - The resource pack will automatically download and apply it, given that it's been uploaded correctly to the server. Disabled - The resource pack won't download at all. You'll need to send them the link to download it and install it manually [not recommended]. Prompt - The player will be prompted to download the resource pack.
  10. The first thing you need to do is upload your resource pack to a site such as Dropbox or Mediafire. You cannot use a site such as file.io as the links are one-time-use only! Once you've uploaded it to one of these sites, you need to copy the direct download link (note: if you've used Dropbox, change the =0 at the end of the link to =1.) Uploading it to your server: Now head over to the Settings tab on the web panel, and go to the Resource Pack heading. Then click Save, and restart your server. Alternatively you can also paste the sha-1 hash of the file under Resource Pack Hash to verify its integrity. To get the sha-1 hash of a file you have to go to this website, Upload the resource pack to that website and copy the SHA-1.
  11. So I know what the marketplace is but I was also wondering is there a way to publish skripts to there?
  12. command /bounty <player> [<number>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cUsage: /bounty <player> [<text>]" to player else if arg-2 is not set: send "&cUsage: /bounty <player> [<text>]" to player else if arg-1 and arg-2 is set: remove arg-2 from arg-2 broadcast "&7[&6BOUNTY&7] &6%player's name% added $%arg-2% to %arg-1%" add arg-2 to {bounty::%arg-1's uuid%} command /bountyreset <player>: permission: bountyreset permission message: &7(&c!&7) Cannot execute that command. trigger: send "&7(&c!&7) successfully set %arg-1% to 0" set {bounty::%arg-1's uuid%} to 0 on death: victim is a player attacker is a player if {bounty::%victim's uuid%} is 0: add 0 to players balance else: send "&7(&c!&7) Successfully added $%{bounty::victim's uuid%}% to your balance." add {bounty::%victim's uuid%} to player's balance on death: victim is a player send "&7(&C!&7) You died and lost $%{bounty::%victim's uuid%}% worth of bounty" to victim set {bounty::%victim's uuid%} to 0
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