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Everything posted by Matqx

  1. Matqx

    How do spawn points work?

    No, it's definitely recommended but it's not a huge issue. I recommend just setting up a really simple skript. Especially if it's a private server, the following should be perfect for you. on quit: broadcast "&c%player% &7has left the server." make console execute "save-all" If it's a public server then just add permission nodes such as: on quit: if player has permission "op": broadcast "&c%player% &7has left the server." make console execute "save-all" else: broadcast "&c%player% &7has left the server." Hope this clarifies any concerns, feel free to reply to the post for extra questions asked.
  2. Just remove the options and instead do: make player execute "/server (name)" Saying this, I strongly recommend not doing this for the following reasons: Servers will need to be online 24/7. Minehut servers shutdown after approx. 5 minutes of inactivity. You'll need to link the API's, and since you couldn't do a simple "make player execute" command I don't think you'd be able to link the API's for ranks and other scores. To teleport a player to the main hub you'd need to bypass /hub which is against the rules. Moderation will be extremely difficult. So yeah, I recommend just sticking with worlds.
  3. command /fakeop [<player>]: permission: fakeop.use permission message: &cYou do not have permission to execute this command! trigger: if arg-1 is set: broadcast "&7&o[%player%] made %arg-1% a server operator." else: send "&7Please specify a player!" This works. Instead of message you need to broadcast it to the whole server.
  4. Matqx

    My server won't start.

    Server Capacity If your server does not start and you receive a message telling you to notify and administrator then its most likely because Minehut is at maximum server capacity. If this is the case then simply just wait till a slot is available. This usually happens when 3.5k+ servers are up. This disables the ability to instantly start a server and instead puts you in a queueing list where it'll eventually start up your server. This does not mean Minehut is broken, it just simply means that the capacity is full meaning you can't start a server until another goes offline.
  5. What kind of developers do you need? - Skripters? - File configurators? - General developers? If you need any of them just PM me, I can help a little.
  6. You can't make a server name with colour codes.
  7. Yeah, sounds like an awesome plugin. Wish it was updated though.
  8. Hola, Welcome to Minehut!
  9. Dang, you can now help Minehut out at 13!
  10. Locked The question has been answered by @Clarifity
  11. Locked The question has been answered by @Clarifity
  12. Matqx

    Regarding Plug-ins

    Locked The question has been answered by @Clarifity
  13. Matqx

    CratesPlus is BUGGED

    You add the item into the configuration file. For a more indepth tutorial please press here
  14. Matqx

    Full Servers

    You start off with telling us to not shutdown player server, then you complain about lag? I mean, it's pretty straight forward. The more servers that are up = more lag on the servers. Also if you'd like more RAM on your server just get more player slots. Here you mentioned your server shutting down at random moment. Before I get to that, I'll just let you know, servers with no players do get shutdown after 5 minutes with no activity. If your server shut down at a random moment, that's most likely because you edited a file wrong, check your logs and look for keywords such as "[ERROR]". I've never heard of a server with several players being shutdown for no reason and no traceable information in the logs.
  15. Yep, just like mentioned by @Clarifity with a perfect explanation. Your server will be shutdown after you leave, this is to prevent too many server from being online. To activate the server do /join (name) or activate it using the console Locked
  16. Matqx

    Who is Jackson?

    The encrypted message decodes into: Well done. You have narrowed it down a lot but you have a few possible errors in your conclusion. I will confirm that I am not Trent but is deeph really a dev or is he just an admin? Think about it. Also the key word in your Benny and molly reasoning is the word probably. Just because something is likely does not mean that it is 100% accurate. Good luck and may the conspiracy be in your favor.
  17. Matqx


    Basically what you want to do is press that button right there on the side, it's a "heart". After you do this you'll be the best life gamer No guarantee
  18. Apple. Would you rather eat a spider or let a spider eat you?
  19. To be completely honest, I don't see the point of a ban wave on a minehut server. If you place someone in a banwave, then you're sure they're breaking the rules. If they're breaking the rules then you could just ban them instantly. Nonetheless, I have to give credit where credit is due. Pretty unique skript, also tidy code. +rep
  20. Just a basic rank skript, sets the users rank as well as a custom chat format. If you need help updating the skript or placing the ranks in a GUI then feel free to contact me on discord. on chat: if player has permission "storage.staff": set chat format to "%{rankdis::%uuid of player%}% %player% &8» &f%message%" else: set chat format to "%{rankdis::%uuid of player%}% %player% &8» &7%message%" command /rank [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]: permission: owner.storage permission message: &3&lSTORAGE &8» &7You don't have access to that command. trigger: if arg 2 is "owner": set {_uuid} to arg 1's uuid set {rankdis::%{_uuid}%} to "&3[OWNER]&7" set {rank::%{_uuid}%} to "owner" broadcast "&3&lSTORAGE &8» &8&3%arg 1% &7has been promoted to &3[OWNER]&7" if arg 2 is "staff": make console execute "pex user %arg 1% group set staff" set {_uuid} to arg 1's uuid set {rankdis::%{_uuid}%} to "&c[STAFF]&7" set {rank::%{_uuid}%} to "Staff" broadcast "&3&lSTORAGE &8» &8&3%arg 1% &7has been accepted as &c[STAFF]" if arg 2 is "builder": make console execute "pex user %arg 1% group set builder" set {_uuid} to arg 1's uuid set {rankdis::%{_uuid}%} to "&d[BUILDER]&7" set {rank::%{_uuid}%} to "Builder" broadcast "&3&lSTORAGE &8» &8&3%arg 1% &7has been accepted as &d[BUILDER]" if arg 2 is "default": make console execute "pex user %arg 1% group set default" set {_uuid} to arg 1's uuid set {rankdis::%{_uuid}%} to "&7" set {rank::%{_uuid}%} to "default" send "&3%arg 1%&7's rank has been reset." It sets the users prefix using the custom chat skript and then sets the permission group of the user using pex. Feel free to edit any of the messages, take credit for it. I don't really mind.
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