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Everything posted by Anothuor

  1. Really the only problem I have with the lobbies is the lag. I get like 20fps because of my low end pc.
  2. Basically just a roblox speed simulator.
  3. Thats why /ignore exists though, right?
  4. Theres not any way that I know of. But you could make another email account then do it that way.
  5. Anothuor

    Command Block

    Alright, so. The tp command is used for coordinates, not worlds. If you want to go to a different world, use /world <name>.
  6. Its probably a plugin of some sort, can you send my your plugin list? (/pl in game) Also, wrong category.
  7. Are you sure it's the right server? And did you op anyone else?
  8. If you are gonna use shopkeepers, I would recommend setting up a worldgaurd region. So that people can't grief the area you want to have the shopkeepers in. You can look up some tutorials on youtube, there's a lot of helpful resources on there.
  9. This depends on what kind of plugin you are using. If you are using essentialspawn and essentials, do this: You need to install the plugins vault, permissionsex, and chatcontrol. Then do '/pex group default add essentials.spawn' and 'pex group default add essentials.rules'.
  10. Can you please add the umbaska plugin? I am trying to get pvp bots on my server and I can't do it without umbaska.
  11. Also this is not the right category It should be in community support
  12. You could give all ranks the permission "essentials.fly" if you have permissions set up.
  13. This is happening to many servers for some reason. I honestly dunno why.
  14. I got a discord link, same kinda tellraw thing.
  15. chill did you op anyone else or give anybody permissions besides you?
  16. I use this plugin called mineresetlite, and everytime my server shuts down the mines get wiped. Can someone help me with this?
  17. Anothuor

    Server Lag

    What kind of lag? Low frames or bad connection?
  18. So, I was on my server making KitPVP and since I have multiple gamemodes I need the kitpvp commands to only be usable in the ul_kitpvp world. How do I do this?
  19. I'm on my server, pengens, and the jump pads are not giving players permissions to use them. I have tried doing /jp set permission 1 or /jp set permission default but nothing has worked. It just says: "[Jump Pads] You do not have permission to use this!" Please help, I have no idea how to add the perms for default players.
  20. I tried using https://mc-map.djfun.de/ but the problem was I couldn't change the map because the map folder/file is hidden. Is there any other way I could add a custom map/image?
  21. I'm fed up with command blocks. Is it this stupid? I'm so confused. ʰᵉˡᵖ
  22. Anothuor

    CmdBlock Issue.

    It doesn't show the mvtp command when I tab.
  23. Anothuor

    CmdBlock Issue.

    "Sorry, I couldn't find player @p.."
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