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Everything posted by TheyCallMeEthan

  1. Koroonotchii gave a good answer, here's a bit more depth, too. format gui slot 0 of player with item named "&4Name" lored "&dYas" to run: open virtual chest with size 3 named "Page 2" to player etcetc # 0 is the first slot
  2. From the console: /op (your ign)
  3. nice! can i recommend, putting "give {_item} * 2 to player"? oh i just did recommend that
  4. I saw you saying this, but i didn't believe it.
  5. O: HOW?! I know it used to be a thing, but ... o:
  6. Welcome! if you're new to Minehut, welcome to curseland because people curse a lot in the lobby and in player servers.. But, don't let that scare you. A lot of people here are nice. if you're only new to the forums, welcome to a less horrible place
  7. ok idk what mh/ is it is like r/ but here is a showerthought for all of you. if you're a Minehut mod... do you volunteer at SLG? ik this is stupid but whatever
  8. I'm sorry, Master Richie.
  9. Current panel is quite glitchy, for me. Glad it's being updated, but sad to see it go );
  10. TheyCallMeEthan


    hello stranger. what is your opinion on dogs? if you don't like them then.. ):
  11. benny don't die on us you're the one that fixes MinehutDad on discord and your cool and nice and cool and stuff and nice and yeah
  12. motionq


    is named after motion and the letter q
    or something

  13. Here's my argument! U-uh... He.. OKAY FINE HE'S AWESOME.
  14. Thanks! I'll have to do it later, as there are a couple of people online, at the moment.
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