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Everything posted by Markie280

  1. The team colors arent showing up in tab. Please help me fix this.
  2. does anyone know how to make it so certain ranks only get certain amounts of map selections?
  3. It’s still not working. I tried that just now and i still respawn with no armor.
  4. locale: en debug: false allow-crafting: false keep-inventory-on-death: false in-lobby-colored-leather-by-team: true jointeam-entity-show-name: true friendlyfire: false player-drops: false join-randomly-after-lobby-timeout: true prevent-killing-villagers: true compass-enabled: false join-randomly-on-lobby-join: false add-wool-to-inventory-on-join: true prevent-spawning-mobs: true spawner-holograms: false spawner-disable-merge: true prevent-lobby-spawn-mobs-in-radius: 16 spawner-holo-height: 0.25 spawner-holograms-countdown: true damage-when-player-is-not-in-arena: true remove-unused-target-blocks: true allow-block-falling: true game-start-items: true player-respawn-items: true gived-game-start-items: - wooden_sword - leather_helmet - leather_boots - leather_leggings - leather_chestplate gived-player-respawn-items: - wooden_sword - leather_helmet - leather_boots - leather_leggings - leather_chestplate disable-hunger: true automatic-coloring-in-shop: true sell-max-64-per-click-in-shop: true destroy-placed-blocks-by-explosion-except: '' destroy-placed-blocks-by-explosion: true holo-above-bed: true allow-spectator-join: false disable-server-message: player-join: false player-leave: false respawn-cooldown: enabled: true time: 5 stop-team-spawners-on-die: false allowed-commands: [] change-allowed-commands-to-blacklist: false bungee: enabled: false serverRestart: true serverStop: false server: hub auto-game-connect: false farmBlocks: enable: false blocks: [] scoreboard: enable: false title: §a%game%§r - %time% bedLost: §c✘ bedExists: §a✔ teamTitle: '%bed%%color%%team%' title: enabled: false fadeIn: 0 stay: 0 fadeOut: 0 items: jointeam: WHITE_WOOL leavegame: RED_BED startgame: DIAMOND shopback: BARRIER shopcosmetic: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE pageback: ARROW pageforward: ARROW team-select: WHITE_WOOL vault: enable: false reward: kill: 5 win: 20 resources: emerald: material: EMERALD color: GREEN name: Emerald interval: 60 translate: resource_emerald spread: 0.1 diamond: material: DIAMOND color: BLUE name: Diamond interval: 30 translate: resource_diamond spread: 0.1 iron: material: IRON_INGOT color: WHITE name: Iron interval: 2.5 translate: resource_iron spread: 1.0 gold: material: GOLD_INGOT color: GOLD name: Gold interval: 8 translate: resource_gold spread: 1.0 respawn: protection-enabled: true protection-time: 3 specials: action-bar-messages: true rescue-platform: is-breakable: false delay: 0 break-time: 10 distance: 1 material: GLASS protection-wall: is-breakable: false delay: 20 break-time: 0 width: 5 height: 3 distance: 2 material: CUT_SANDSTONE tnt-sheep: speed: 2.0 follow-range: 10.0 max-target-distance: 32 explosion-time: 8 arrow-blocker: protection-time: 10 delay: 5 warp-powder: teleport-time: 6 delay: 0 magnet-shoes: probability: 75 golem: speed: 0.25 follow-range: 10 health: 20 name-format: '%teamcolor%%team% Golem' show-name: true delay: 0 collidable: false teamchest: turn-all-enderchests-to-teamchests: true throwable-fireball: explosion: 3.0 tnt: auto-ignite: true explosion-time: 3 sounds: on_bed_destroyed: ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_GROWL on_countdown: UI_BUTTON_CLICK on_game_start: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP on_team_kill: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP on_player_kill: ENTITY_PLAYER_BIG_FALL on_item_buy: ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP on_upgrade_buy: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP on_respawn_cooldown_wait: UI_BUTTON_CLICK on_respawn_cooldown_done: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP on_trap_triggered: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT game-effects: end: effects: - ==: Firework flicker: false trail: false colors: - &id002 ==: Color RED: 255 BLUE: 255 GREEN: 255 fade-colors: - *id002 type: BALL power: 1 type: Firework start: {} kill: {} teamkill: {} lobbyjoin: {} lobbyleave: {} respawn: {} beddestroy: {} warppowdertick: {} lobby-scoreboard: enabled: false title: §eBEDWARS content: - ' ' - '§fMap: §2%arena%' - '§fPlayers: §2%players%§f/§2%maxplayers%' - ' ' - §fWaiting ... - ' ' statistics: enabled: true type: yaml show-on-game-end: false bed-destroyed-kills: false scores: kill: 10 die: 0 win: 50 bed-destroy: 25 lose: 0 record: 100 database: host: localhost port: 3306 db: databse user: root password: secret table-prefix: bw_ bossbar: use-xp-bar: true lobby: enable: true color: YELLOW style: SEGMENTED_20 game: enable: true color: GREEN style: SEGMENTED_20 holograms: enabled: true headline: Your §eBEDWARS§f stats chat: override: true format: '<%teamcolor%%name%§r> ' separate-chat: lobby: true game: true send-death-messages-just-in-game: true send-custom-death-messages: true default-team-chat-while-running: true all-chat-prefix: '@a' team-chat-prefix: '@t' all-chat: '[ALL] ' team-chat: '[TEAM] ' death-chat: '[DEATH] ' rewards: enabled: false player-win: - /example {player} 200 player-end-game: - /example {player} {score} player-destroy-bed: - /example {player} {score} player-kill: - /example {player} 10 lore: generate-automatically: true text: - '§7Price:' - §7%price% %resource% - '§7Amount:' - §7%amount% sign: - §c§l[BedWars] - '%arena%' - '%status%' - '%players%' hotbar: selector: 0 color: 1 start: 2 leave: 8 breakable: enabled: false asblacklist: false blocks: [] leaveshortcuts: enabled: false list: - leave mainlobby: enabled: false location: 5008.480952200986;122.0;5032.798965675137;-180.29222;10.652989 world: Lobby version: 2 turnOnExperimentalGroovyShop: false preventSpectatorFlyingAway: false removePurchaseMessages: false disableCakeEating: true disableDragonEggTeleport: true disable-flight: true shop: rows: 4 render-actual-rows: 6 render-offset: 9 render-header-start: 0 render-footer-start: 45 items-on-row: 9 show-page-numbers: true inventory-type: CHEST citizens-enabled: true
  5. I am trying to use this plugin but for some reason every time someone dies they don't respawn with armor. I have tried everything. But nothing seems to be working. PLZ help me fix this.
  6. Does anyone know a plugin I can use to do a per world player count? Kinda like on hypixel how the have the player count as a hologram.
  7. Plz add this plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/perworldserver-per-world-tablist-and-chat-1-8-1-16-4.23989/updates
  8. Markie280

    BedWars Broken

    I am working on a bedwars server. I am using the screaming bedwars plugin. I setup a few games but every time I stop my server and join back it says that the games don’t exist. Please help me!
  9. Please add this plugin. https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/tomskiesprophunt
  10. Markie280


    I tried to install this plugin on my server. I dont know what is happening but for some reason every time i try it does not work. Please help me fix this!
  11. Everytime i try to start my server it just stops then says offline. Can someone please tell me how to fix this???
  12. I set up a game but it says that the solo game i created is a squads game. How do i switch it to be solos?
  13. I set up a game but it says that the solo game i created is a squads game. How do i switch it to be solos?
  14. I am working on a server that has a lot of minigames. I want to add Hide And Seek. But Minehut does not have a plugin to use. SPIGOT PLUGIN-https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/hideandseek.9777/
  15. Every time I download this plugin onto my server it doesn't work. I think it is out of date. PLEASE UPDATE THIS PLUGIN!
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