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Everything posted by Joeishot

  1. Joeishot


    i guess so, but skywars and plotsquared plugins better be fixed, after new release i can't do anything
  2. Joeishot


    Some Plugin Suggestions: Epic Skywars, Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/epicskywars-teams-solo-games.10890/update?update=66666 (this is my fav personal), we could make our own Mineplex! with their own files, someone made mineplex remake without database, you can play their old minigames, you can play around on lobby, but it is without database, its from blackspigot:https://blackspigot.com/downloads/mineplex-private-arcade-4-0-no-coding-needed-pre-made.7636/ (arcade), https://blackspigot.com/downloads/mineplex-private-network-4-0-no-coding-needed-hub-working.7651/ (Hub) Mineplex doesn't do anything about them, a lot of people use them in their own private servers, and if anything would happen, you guys could just remove it Also fix Plot Squared, Skywars plugin too, Also add more skywars plugin in general
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