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  1. Hi i have a big project , create a city with work and other. This plugin add vehicles , cars , airplane , and other.. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vehicles-no-resourcepacks-needed.12446/
  2. The music is epic for Metr0p0lis [city and roleplay] not for a hospital. I created a telegram channel to stay updated on when the server will be released or on any changes.
  3. Hi , this is Metr0p0lis a new server Roleplay , we are finishing designing it. You can find a job , become the richest in the city , fight crime , meet new people and more. To stay updated on when the server will be released , Follow us on Telegram: @Metr0p0lisEN or Link: https://t.me/Metr0p0lisEN Good Video! Server Trailer.mp4
  4. I think that to make a server easily usable from all over the world it would be necessary to add this plugin so if a person does not know a certain language he will have no problem communicating with other people. In fact I am Italian and it would help me a lot even if I have a good knowledge of the language. YouTube Video Plugin: https://youtu.be/NxSwYPlKUFc PLUGIN LINK: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/triton-translate-your-server.30331/ V Apri in Google Traduttore Feedback Risultati web
  5. Hi , this plugin is more important for all server in the world , look the link. You can set your "from" (original) language and "to" (target) language. Once you set your languages, you can just type in the original language, and it will be translated into the target language. This is link https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/translateme.2830/
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