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Everything posted by siryolothe2

  1. nvm im stupid its displaying the worth of the item im holding hahahahahaha sorry im soo stupid
  2. wait now its displaying 2.5 but it doesnt seem to matter what my actual bal is
  3. Ok i did what you said also i switched to normal essentials eco and just changed the placeholder so i am running on join: set title of player's scoreboard to "&6&lServer Info" while player is online: set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "&7• &eOnline: &f%size of all players%" # set a variable to the placeholder set {_money} to placeholder "%%essentials_worth%%" from player # use the variable as follows set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "&7• &eCurrent money: &f$%{_money}%" wait 1 second and on the scoreboard it is just displaying <none> even though i know i have money please help if you can siryolothe2
  4. Oh My gosh thanks sooo much cool programer
  5. I NEED HELP so i am running the skript #on papi placeholder request with prefix "something": # if identifier is "hello": # set result to "%{balance::%player's uuid%}%" #this is somthing else i was just trying i dont think it worked though on join: set {_p} to placeholder "gemseconomy_balance_coin" from player on join: set title of player's scoreboard to "&6&lServer Info" while player is online: set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "&7• &eOnline: &f%size of all players%" set line 2 of player's scoreboard to "&7• &eCurrent money: &f%{_p}%" wait 1 second my plugins R skbee, essentials, gemseconomy, skript, skript placeholders, placeholderapi,Tuske, luckperms and essentials chat there is no error message it just shows "<none>" one the scoreboard if any 1 know why please let me know or if you have the time just fix what i did wrong thankyou
  6. Oh my gosh this is so good so for someone to get the reports they have to have the perms alerts.reports right
  7. Yo so this is a clear chat sk (so you didn’t test it?). @Chloe30k
  8. how would i ad placeholders from other plugins like gems eco?
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