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Everything posted by Gaminger

  1. Gaminger

    Old Minehut

    Woah nothing like the old times That made me remember when I talked to Pixelific and I was like "Yea well I wont do drama any more, ATLEAST to that extent" and he was like "Well ok sure forum unbanned". 1 month later I was pretty much doing drama again xD
  2. Gaminger

    Old Minehut

    Lol just a common [$$$] BennyDoesStuff behind Pixelific @BennyDoesStuff
  3. Gaminger

    Old Minehut

    Lol ReportCards getting banned for community disruption xD Legend Lol everyone knows that I must contribute for this one lol. Sadly I am too bored to explain in details the following cuz time and cuz its like the third time I am going to tell this one 26th-28th of July, 2017 (WOAH IT ACTUALLY MAKES 3 YEARS SINCE THAT MOMENT ITS 27th July 2020 RIGHT NOW WHAT A COINCIDENCE) So we were on warzone and we were on a map that you had to get wool from chests to put it back at your base. Of course me, being mischievous at the time, took all the wool from the opposing team's chest and destroyed it (meaning the game could not be finished unless by moderator intervention). Then what I tried to do was convince everyone to not fight and terraform the whole map. This was the result: After that we all took a screenie: We did a boat race afterwards from one point of the map to the other: And then we all tried to build a bridge as far from the map as possible. Eventually the match was finished by a moderator. But we kept doing these things the days after. On one day we were able to reach 10km or 5km far from the spawn (1 meter = 1 block maths): And yea thats it, it was funny because even the moderators contributed to it. Now ill throw the one that no one ever knew until today and ill do it now because im about to leave minehut forever so yea its not like I care if I were to be banned for 10 decades lol: I hacked to make the bridge building faster. Actually there were some times in which I used hacked clients on warzone for fun, for example building bridges without even having to look down to place them. Now ofc this raises the question of if my progress and glory on warzone were legit or not. Ill tell you that my progress was legit and I never used it for major progress, just for fun and troll at times. And in 2016 100% did not use hacks. From the 140 lvls that I had in the end, only 1 level was gained due to hack maybe lol. Now ofc its up to you to believe in me that I was indeed good at warzone or to think that I was good only of hacks. Im telling ya I was legit good at wool rushing even shadow has to recognize it. Maybe not as good at pvp but my shoots were tasty Also ill just throw this one in cuz its hilarious. 23rd June 2016 minehut staff decided to open starbucks with pretty girls.
  4. Sorry for not really helping here BloodyVv its been a long time since I last joined minehut I just found what farwl said ironic xD
  5. Lol what a meme that remembers me the fact that atleast in the past you couldn't crop for proof lol xD
  6. IGN: GaySyrup (not for me, but for my friend) I remember when cursing was allowed in Minehut. It did not end well trust me lol
  7. Well yea but what I said stands, I dont recommend haha
  8. You can install mods, more specifically hack clients lol I don't recommend tho unless you want to do Minehut's Quick Ban speedrun
  9. But he can't even stand before pizzaking0, the founder
  10. Gaminger

    funny jokes

    lol ngl the last one made me laugh xD @TacticalModz you're on this one xD
  11. Yea btw dude back in the old days (2016) there were no skripts you had to go command block or change paste files, and we had way more better servers believe me
  12. Gaminger


    Hadn't you said you used google translate I would have thought you were truly a brazilian Tarna xD
  13. Also I recommend talking to @ItsAPerson if you want to make a fusion that involves GettingOverIt. He was the first on minehut to do it and he did it with quite some success. Idk if he is active here tho.
  14. I RECOMMEND READING THE FOLLOWING, FULLY, IF YOU WANT TO DO A GOOD SERVER. DONT BE LAZY. Tbh that could be ez fixed with a good Gimmick. Also the thing about SkyPvP is that it allows for themes. You can make your theme whatever you want: Christmas, planets, RPG, ... The impact of using a theme for SkyPvP is not the same for say bed wars because yea sure you can have a bed wars server based on the idea of christmas but it wont affect as much as the SkyPvP because I think that in a SkyPvP you are more in contact with the theme than in a bed wars which ends just being the same breaking bed and certain items. Talking a bit more about Gimmicks: There is alot but alot you can grab hold if you think about the old servers of minehut. LegendsRPG by RyanDxxx had flying boats and jetpacks. The same concept could be used here. You could even make it so there were many types of jetpacks, each with a maximum fuel amount (making it impossible to reach really far islands if your jetpack can only hold very little fuel at a time). You can use energy instead of fuel or even magic instead of energy if you want. It may be as stupid as you can think but its a Gimmick and if people like it thats the way out for players to enter your server. There are other examples of Gimmicks that worked extremely well such as the idea of elementals (Air, water, fire, earth). It works like a charm because from there you can make almost anything: Class related elements, items, islands, quests, abilities... Going futher on the elements idea, you could for example do a SkyPvP server in which each island would be related to elements. For example the main island could be 25% related to air, 25% to water, 25% to fire and 25% to earth. But there could be a 100% air related island in which using earth related things would work really badly (you could make it so air doesnt go well with earth and vice versa, and water doesnt work well with fire and viceversa). You could have like 20% water 80% earth islands... Im just throwing out ideas that will guarantee work because thats what old servers that had success did. Theres another thing I just remembered that would be extremely interesting and this is something that has not been seen very much in minehut but theres a huge potential because its literally grabbing the old stuff and reusing it without needing many ideais. You could do gamemode fusion servers. This is very rarely seen but theres some examples such as Skyblocksminers by Unchilled, the original (correct me on the owner name, idk if he was really the owner of if he was Admin). He put miners servers + Skyblock, a fusion that gave him alot of players for a very long time. You could do the same here. You could go for SkyPvP + Spleef. Who told you PvP has to be weapons only? Player versus player is a very broad concept. You can have floating islands, some which generators dropping iron, gold, diamond whatever, and you can make it so you can break the ground with your shovel. You dont have to make islands made out of snow only, you can make them out of any block really. And you dont have to make your weapon shovels to break the blocks. Who told you you can not have spleef with gold pickaxes and stone blocks? Its possible. You could go even futher by making tools that instead of just breaking blocks they would have abilities such has force push. You can go for SkyPvP + GettingOverIt. Who told you that falling of an island means insta death? You could have layers of islands, you could start at bottom and the idea would be going up and up more. The upper islands would have the best items, and the lower ones would have the worst items. Going up would eventually become more and more difficult. For this to work I would suggest death = restarting over, and I mean it. There would be no way of you dying and be able to get items saved somewhere (that is you could not store items, die and get stored items back). This would work really well because if you reached the top island you would have to survive to not die, but falling off some layers maybe you could get away with death. Sure you would have to recover now but atleast you didn't start over. This would be an extremely interesting concept because it would motivate players to do clans on the most top islands, which is something you could later on your server development (say 2 months after release) grab on and make a new clans system. People would love it and also hate it too but you would have a new update that would guarantee you players anyway. I mean you can literally do anything IF, and now comes the IF: You have patience. 95% of the times when a minehut player server fails, it is because people dont spend enough time on making a good server. I am not going any futher on this because I already mentioned this alot of times and its something that everyone recognizes. Now I am aware I quoted you Goose but this is not a response to you, but yes to everyone that wants to waste his time making a player server that works on minehut when you could do more productive things lol. Grammar mistakes are as usual (this was not revised, aint got time to that xD). Also I am not sure if you guys were talking about SkyPvP or GenPvP I did not make sure before starting writing this but the ideas apply to both.
  15. GaySyrup (not my IGN, but a friend of mine's)
  16. DeathBan - You die you get banned, believe me this somehow worked well and for 1/2 months it was popular but it died as gamemode because of the many rip offs Classic Prison Server - You have Guards who ask for contraband stuff if they see, 5 ranks only (C -> B -> A -> Elite -> Free), starting at C and an additional D if you're on C and you have a bad behaviour. You could go down from B to C if you had bad behaviour, from A to B, etc.. But it had to be real bad behaviour such as joining in riots in a space of 1h. On free rank you could go to the overworld and do the normal stuff you do on the overworld lol Bed Wars - A small version of bedwars, 4-12 players, 13 islands, one for each player and mid island with random good loot. Each 20 seconds you would get a random item such as gravitational stick (8 secs of levitating up), building blocks, bow, arrows, armor, sword, etc. The ideia is to break the enemies beds located in their island and kill them. After bed is broken, if the player dies, it is out of the game I mean, these 3 alone could probably put any of the current good servers to shame if well executed
  17. lol RainbowSsword I'm sure I've seen that somewhere. I want to mention that you joined around 20 days before minehut's shutting down, which is interesting. Also I want to mention that actually I've been wrong all this time. The oldest screenie I have on Minehut was on February 2016, not December 2016. Im suprised to see that I was actually here way before December 2016. That being said, the events of Clouderic's glory on warzone after 1st main level reset take place between January 2016 until about April 2016. shadow's Conquest starts around April 2016 and goes all the way until July 2016, when he fully conquested everything. After that, the shutdown took place. He had level 160~ around July 2016 (compare to my 120~). Then ACTUALLY on December 2016 its when my perm ban on the forums takes place, not my entry here on minehut lol By December 2016 after christmas I was lvl 140. Thats when I stopped because of the level reset that eventually took place some time after (I started to lose interest on warzone)
  18. I dont have any screenshot with you on it rip Meanwhile I found these two funny screenies @Spczzs check this one: Also for all those who think I am Gamer, this is the final proof to finally end that discussion jeez its been like what 4 years I've been called Gamer? Lol Btw @Skillsbo ill just leave this quote without context. Ill leave it up to you as punishment to find out the meaning behind, ill leave a hint: Unchilled. "Guys, hwo do we make this server more popular without destroying other servers?"
  19. Yea true I just used that chance to change my weird and random password that was randomly generated by minehut to an easier to memorize loll
  20. Gaminger


    Lol @BennyDoesStuff you aint gonna let this newb punish an OG will ya? xD
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