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Posts posted by thevirtualpotato

  1. alright so i figured out how to make it unclosable but now after it reopens the gui is completely blank...


    command /join:
        open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&0Set Up" to player
        format gui slot 8 of player with paper named "&4&lImportant!" with lore "&c&lDO NOT CLOSE THIS GUI"
        format gui slot 20 of player with glowing map named "Clans" to run:
          execute player command "/1"
        format gui slot 22 of player with glowing iron sword named "Kits" to run:
          execute player command "/2"
        format gui slot 24 of player with glowing book named "Receive Books" to run:
          execute player command "/3"

    on inventory close:
        if name of event-inventory contains "&0Set Up":
            wait 1 tick
            open event-inventory to player


  2. 22 minutes ago, iOmega__ said:

    Whoops, forgot to edit the GUI after copy pasting; just change all the parts with "player" to {_p} and it should function. Sorry about that!

    im sorry but would you mind writing it out for me? im still missing something apparently...

  3. 1 hour ago, iOmega__ said:

    You can make the GUI into a function, and activate the function when you close it.



    function openGUI(p: player):
        open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&0Set Up" to player
        format gui slot 8 of player with paper named "&4&lImportant!" with lore "&c&lDO NOT CLOSE THIS GUI"
        format gui slot 20 of player with map named "Clans" to run:
            execute player command "/1"
        format gui slot 22 of player with iron sword named "Kits" to run:
            execute player command "/2"
        format gui slot 24 of player with book named "Receive Books" to run:
            execute player command "/3"
    on inventory close:
        if name of event-inventory contains "&0Set Up":
    command /gui:


    2021-01-02_14_52_11.thumb.png.116a3e5602490a42b8a2db32c7ae1c2d.pngat this point I have no idea what is going on lol it gave me this when i reloaded the script.

  4. 10 minutes ago, TheGoose said:

    They indeed cannot be cancelled. This is an option

    on inventory close:
    	if name of event-inventory contains "<name here>":
    		open event-inventory to player


    ok that kinda worked. When I try to close the inventory it reopens once. then if i try to close it again it closes like normal.


    it is also saying that the script infinitely (or excessively) repeated itsself.

  5. I'm very much a beginner at this so please help. I'm trying to make it so that if my gui is closed it opens again. Basically make it so that the gui is unclosable until the very end. This is going to be a setup type of thing where the player must going a clan and select a kit before playing on the survival server. I have looked at other old forums on unclosable guis but nothing seems to work. Maybe its because its an older version? This is what I have so far:



    on join:
      if {Joins::*} does not contain player's uuid:
        give player stone sword
        give player compass
        give player 16 torch
        give player crafting table
        give player oak boat
        add player's uuid to {Joins::*}
        set join message to "&7(&a+&7) &b%player%"
        execute player command "/join"
        set join message to "&7(&a+&7) &r%player%"
        wait 3 ticks
        send "&bWelcome back &a%player%&b!&r"

    on quit:
        set leave message to "&7(&4-&7) &r%player%"

    command /join:
        open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&0Set Up" to player
        format gui slot 8 of player with paper named "&4&lImportant!" with lore "&c&lDO NOT CLOSE THIS GUI"
        format gui slot 20 of player with map named "Clans" to run:
          execute player command "/1"
        format gui slot 22 of player with iron sword named "Kits" to run:
          execute player command "/2"
        format gui slot 24 of player with book named "Receive Books" to run:
          execute player command "/3"


    Also I have Skript, SkQuery, and TuSKe.

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