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Everything posted by awel

  1. Hey, First click on "File Manager" Then, click on "Logs" Have a good day!
  2. awel


    Think they were talking about all servers. And yes, make sure the server supports the version you're on @CheifGeorge . Most supported version would be 1.16.5
  3. awel


    Please send a screenshot of this.
  4. awel


    It cost money per month So, sorry I can.
  5. awel


    Try https://forums.minehut.com/forum/18-discussion/
  6. MHMGens (I don't know your name inspired me minehutmanager gens)
  7. You could reset player data or... on join: if {deaths.%player's uuid%} is not set: set {deaths.%player's uuid%} to 0
  8. on first join: set {deaths.%player's uuid%} to 0 # I meant to put deaths but misspelled # So change the one above to deaths instead of deats
  9. awel


    There should be, Just to test try to /locate a villager! If that does not work go to spigot.yml and make sure they are enabled. Please also send a list of your plugins if the /locate doesn't work! (NOTE: If this fixes your problem please respond so I know its fixed and I don't have to check here again)
  10. Here on join: clear player's scoreboard on script load: loop all players: clear loop-player's scoreboard every tick: loop all players: toggle loop-player's scoreboard to true set title of loop-player's scoreboard to "SERVER NAME" set line 12 of loop-player's scoreboard to "Deaths: %{deats.%loop-player's uuid%}%" set line 11 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 10 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b&lYou" set line 9 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &7Name: &f%loop-player's displayname%" set line 8 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &7Ping: &f%loop-player's ping%ms" set line 6 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 5 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b&lInformations" set line 4 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &7TPS: &f%rounded 1st element of tps%" set line 3 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &7Online: &f%number of all players%&7/&f%max players%" set line 2 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 1 of loop-player's scoreboard to "SERVER NAME.Minehut.gg" on death: add 1 to {deats.%player's uuid%}
  11. #Fixed version of your skript on right click with prismarine shard: name of player's item is "Key 1" add player's uuid to {checkArea1::*} on region enter: if "%region at player%" contains "Area1": if {checkArea1::*} contains player's uuid: send "yes" else: cancel event send "no" There! Sorry working on my discord (In my sig) I sell skripts and give out a lot of free skripts (You can see some)
  12. Indention errors (Skript doesn't read it how you want it to read it when you indent like that )
  13. function updateBoard(p: player, prefix: player's prefix): set {_uuid} to {_p}'s uuid set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "&4Rank: &f %{_prefix}% " set line 3 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&4Name: &f%{_p}%" set line 2 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6Kills: &f%{kills::%{_uuid}%} ? 0%" set line 1 of {_p}'s scoreboard to "&6Deaths: &f%{deaths::%{_uuid}%} ? 0%" on join: set title of player's scoreboard to "&3Skray" updateBoard(player, player's prefix) on death of player: add 1 to {deaths::%victim's uuid%} if attacker is a player: add 1 to {kills::%attacker's uuid%} updateBoard(victim) updateBoard(attacker) on disconnect: clear scoreboard of player Try that. Not tested so that may not work
  14. #Fixed version of your skript on right click with prismarine shard: name of player's item is "Key 1" add player's uuid to {checkArea1::*} on region enter: if "%region at player%" contains "Area1": if {checkArea1::*} contains player's uuid: send "yes" else: cancel event send "no"
  15. Hope that helps, Have a good day!
  16. Use set line 4 of player's scoreboard to "&4Rank: &f %loop-player's prefix% "
  17. Welcome to minehut forums! Enjoy your stay!

  18. I guess this is solved. Have a good day!
  19. Oh lol you got it at the same time I remembered (I had to look throught my old skripts)
  20. OMFG JUST REALIZED WHY try : if "%region at player%" does not contain "region":
  21. Not sure whats the issue then post a post in the help section of the forums!
  22. are you sure you have the required addons Aka: TuSke
  23. Yeah I think you should try %region% That seams to be the issue!
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