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Everything posted by Hotampa

  1. The Bridge [1.11-1.16] | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft There new plugin from a very trusted group of devs. It should be on minehut!
  2. I tried and it didnt work.
  3. So I making a sumo minigame and its almost done but the main command cant work because the arguments are not working. This is one part of the skript. command /sumo [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]: executable by: players usage: /sumo [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] trigger: if arg-1 is not "help" or "admin" or "stats" or "join" or "leave": make player execute "/sumo help" if arg-1 is "admin": if arg-2 is “create”: if player has permission “sumo.admin”: if arg-3 is not set: send “&3Usage&f: /sumo admin create <ArenaName>” to player else: set {Sumo.Arena::%arg-3%} to arg-3 send “&fArena &3%arg-3% has been created” to player else: send “&3You do not have permission” to player This is the error I get. Can't compare a text with "create" (Sumo.sk line 8: if arg-2 is "create":') Can anybody help me fix this issue because I really just cant seem to fix it.
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