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  1. i just got vip right now from my friend so yeah its cool
  2. Make me a /mod for staffs that do in their inventorys Vanish axe and things, u know.
  3. command /addstaff <offline player>: permission: staff.add trigger: if {stafflist::*} contains arg-1: send "That player is already added to the staff list" else: add arg-1 to {stafflist::*} send "%arg-1% added to the staff list" command /removestaff <offline player>: permission: staff.remove triger: if {stafflist::*} contains arg-1: remove arg-1 from {stafflist::*} send "Removed %arg-1% from the staff list" else: send "%arg-1% is not in the staff list" command /staff: trigger: set {_s} to 0 set metadata tag "staffGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "Staff" loop {stafflist::*}: set slot {_s} of metadata tag "staffGUI" of player to loop-value's skull with lore "Name: %loop-value%" and "Rank: %loop-value's group%" add 1 to {_s} open (metadata tag "staffGUI" of player) to player
  4. hello, can someone help me do like a minerspvp server, but all i need is a skript of mine that i do when players finish the mine, it restart automaticly, please help me. thx for reading.
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