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Everything posted by Satellq

  1. Satellq


    So, I recently removed Essentials from my server and added skVault but how do I setup an economy system?
  2. /gamerule commandBlockOutput false I think you can use this instead of creating another command.
  3. Link the plugin you are using.
  4. Also, if you're using temporary variables make sure to use: set {_temp} to player's held tool
  5. Check your configuration, probably you typed something wrong. Use this site: https://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/
  6. Satellq


    Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/betterenchants.21816/ Just, read the description of the plugin, it'ss very useful.
  7. Satellq

    [SKRIPT] Lore problem

    Hello, so I also posted it in github but they told me to post it here so here we are. LORE PROBLEM Description I can't change the lore of an item Steps to Reproduce set lore of loop-player's tool to "LORE 1||LORE 2" Expected Behavior The lore should change but it remains empty. Errors / Screenshots None errors.
  8. I know, but I'm trying this: command /toast: trigger: loop all items in player's inventory: loop-item is a pickaxe loop all the enchantments of loop-item: send "test" to player But I'm getting this error, why?
  9. o on death: victim is a player attacker is a player add 1 to player's balance Vault, Essentials (or any other plugin that makes Vault works), Skript and I think SkQuery, Skellet and skRayFall. Try out and let me know.
  10. Make sure your skript starts like this: variables: {orange} = true {red} = false {gray} = false #[add colors here]
  11. Hi, is there a way to do fix this: to Efficiency 20?
  12. Can you explain what should the skript do?
  13. Try using "&c", "&6", [...] You can find the complete list here: click
  14. Can you explain better what's your problem and provide an example.
  15. variables: {%player%.balance} = 0 # Starting balance command /balance: aliases: /bal trigger: send "&7Balance: &2$&a%{%player%.balance}%" command /pay <player> <integer>: trigger: if {%player%.balance} >= arg-2: remove arg-2 from {%player%.balance} add arg-2 to {%arg-1%.balance} send "&7You sent &2$&a%arg-2% &7to &a%arg-1%" to player send "&7You received &2$&a%arg-2% &7from &a%player%" to %arg-1% else: send "&7You don't have enough money." to player every second: loop all players: add 1 to {%loop-player%.balance} I didn't test it but hopefully it works, by the way you can use Vault instead of creating a variable for player's balance. It would be much easier: add 1 to player's balance / remove 1 to player's balance / if player's balance >= x:
  16. https://skriptlang.github.io/Skript/index.html https://youtube.com/
  17. Intersting, I started learning skript two days ago so I didn't know that.
  18. command /dupe: trigger: if player's held item isn't air: if player's held item is a command block: send "You can't dupe that fool!" to player else: give player's held item to player else: send "You can't dupe air!" to player Try this and let me know.
  19. Woops, my bad. Add a ":" after the else and it should work.
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