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Everything posted by Nd_

  1. Ingame, you have to use /, but in console, it doesn't matter
  2. Didn't read the post, sorry. This is against the Minehut rules And also, am I'm not sure about this, but moving those commands to the proxy makes it impossible to do this
  3. Nd_

    NoPlugin plugin

    -1 Outdated, however, you can block this with Skript, or a command blocker like CommandDoesNotExist or CommandBlocker
  4. If you want to paste schematics, use skellet
  5. nooo! I meant to press on no, but pressed on yes
  6. 1: This should be in Marketplace 2: I will try to make this
  7. Nd_

    Pex or LP

    Some of the commands are stupid, like /lp group Owner meta setprefix &4&lOWNER, while in PEX, you just have to do /pex group Owner prefix "&4&lOWNER " Anyways, I will be staying with PEX Requesting Lock
  8. 1. Link? 2. Adding on to @Endgator, OpenInv is a good one
  9. I honestly don't know. They probably are saying what happened in the discord, but I don't have discord.
  10. After some research, I found that Skellet has this. Thanks!
  11. I've tried that, but the problem is that it uses a variable and some number, which last time I tried, didn't work.
  12. UPDATED CODE: execute console command "/essentials:tp %player% %{%player's uuid%.island.spawnx}% 200 0" make player execute command "//schem load SkyblockIsland" with permission "worldedit.*" make player execute command "//paste" with permission "worldedit.*" So now it will tp the player, but won't load the schematic Also, Tresre, how do I make it so they have the permission to run it for that command?
  13. Nd_


    A plugin similar to this(Drupi) has been denied before, so -1
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